Reared at Sea

Maybe she doesn’t see what her husband does as bullying. That’s just being a strong, powerful man who tells it like it is. If people don’t like it, it’s their fault. They should be okay about hearing the truth.

It’s so much better than SHIELD.

Thank you for reminding me. I’ll break out my white, purple and green!

Seriously. He’s amazing!

Shiloh is the name of the dog in a Neil Diamond song.

Enough to fill a sock and that sock could be used to hit them repeatedly.

As an anxiety cryer in elementary school, I can say that I got in a lot more trouble for crying than actually being asked was wrong and to talk about the anxiety I was feeling.

Don’t blaspheme pizza rolls that like. They are a delightful snack that can be consumed by all people.

How come politics is the only job (and it is a job and a career) where having years of experience is a bad thing?

Because more than likely, if you are sick, you’re going to be coughing into our hands out of reflex from your chronic cough.

And be called a Social Justice Warrior (or SJW) is a put down. Actually caring about other people is a negative thing to them.

If you’re in a big enough city, you can order your groceries online, someone else does the shopping, and then they deliver your groceries.

That’s getting needlepointed!

Did they get hacked?

I still don’t understand what the big issue is? Should she not have used a private email server? Yes. Was that private email server ever compromised? Not, that I’ve read.

I think you have to do this in Utah. I vaguely remember hearing a story of someone losing their baby at like 6 months. They had to pick a name and pay for a burial or cremation, even though it was a miscarriage. I believe that there was talk of naming the baby Batman.

When people ask me how I like my eggs, I tell them “In a cake.”

But teaching kids about birth control will make them want to have sex! We can’t have that happen. Sex outside of marriage is very bad.

You forgot guns. I am currently going to iderations of fights over NextDoor because my neighboring communities have decided that they want to arm their neighborhood watch groups. All I’ve come away with is since it’s legal to carry a gun, it’s great. And anyone who disagrees supports crime and Clinton.

As a millennial who watched this after Columbine, I still was able to find it funny. But the major plot point of JD blowing up the school isn’t the fantasy that it was in the 80s; it was very much a real thing, which made it scarier and more macabre.