Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

Fleet week.

I worked at a grocery store and had a woman in her 80's buying a couple of cartons a week. It just doesn't get some people. In fact, she credited her good health to cigarettes. She said there'd be much fewer sick people if everyone just lit up every now and again.

It would be terrible if there were, say, an entire house of Cosbys.

I doubt it. Trump has already promised to don nothing more than a speedo for an Olympic swimming sketch.

I imagine lots of towel snapping and noogies going on between those two in the locker room.

I was recently at Disneyland for the first time in many years and was surprised at how small it is as an adult. I went on rides with my three year old cousin and we did pretty much all you could do in about eight hours.

To be fair, most people don't want to be reminded that they're in Orlando.

They've pulled four pairs of Teck's underwear out of that thing just this week.


He also doesn't remember making Station to Station.

Don't give Cuba Gooding Jr. any false hope, please. He's insufferable enough as it is.

If only he had some Malk with Vitamin R.

Indiana Jones and the Onion on His Belt.

You just made a soda jerk out of yourself.

I'm just going to write in Killer Mike/El-P on my ballot if my choice is between Ye and Trump.

The AV Club

The Center for Overconfident Youth can use all the downvotes it can get. Someone has to knock those kids down a peg.

Especially Cleveland steamers.

Crispy socks here. Crispy socks there. Crispy socks with some mystery hair.