Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

It's a dumb question. What's the best answer? Conquer earth and subjugate all its inhabitants? It's just so arbitrary that it's ridiculous to ask at this point.

Denver Pyle, Ernest Borgnine, and Wilford Brimley in Insulin Dependent Avengers. The only thing stopping them from cleaning up the streets is a malfunction in their blood glucometer. Summer 1988.

With modern technology this show could easily star Pam Hologrier.

Awww, I'm just a BAG.

Quiltbagging sounds like some sort of sex act in which my grandmother may have participated. The details of said act I would rather remain undefined.

Ah, yes. The Raspberry Berets.

Next week will feature my platform: Savage Glutes.

What a motherfucking monster.

Damn it, Internet! Knock before you come!

Nothing could posibli go wrong.

First Executive Order: "Hurry up with my damn croissant!"

*dog licks own balls for twenty minutes while everyone stares in disbelief*

That can't be Iggy. He's wearing a shirt.

Tyler Perry, man. Come on!

Be gone, Evil Dead! I cast thee out in the name of Jesus!

Such a commode mouth.

I am Hot N' Ready for this show.

*Val Kilmer squeezes into his once retired Batsuit*

Slash Gash is poised to be the #1 ice cream in America.

He's real and he's spectacular.