Real. Comfortable. Jeans.

tbh idk

Just being myself is the cheapest way that I've found to not have sex.

Bird seed, I'd wager.

The AV Club

He'll fall into a sarlacc part way through his third album.

You really shouldn't play tricks on dumb people. I thought that my uncle had my nose for 7 years. It was quite maddening.

I thought it was all the crazed piano playing and murders keeping me slim.

But the pressure of trying to sexually satisfy Jesus is too much of a cross to bear.

I know. I've been working on it. But, I'm really having a hard time with the horrid grammar. I've been drinking bleach for authenticity's sake. My future posts should be more accurate.

The HollyWEIRD LIEberal agenda can't tell me how to celebrate my heritage! Since when is it racist to be PROUD to be WHITE??! All I want is the SAME treatment as a Black who gets to celebrate his heritage! This is a symptom of that THUG Obozo and his DemocRAT supporters! They're the REAL RACISTS!

That might be fun if that sound effects guy was in the room with him.

I order mine "moist".

I know! I jabbed a hole in my neck just to smoke through it like that stylish woman on television!

One is served to you by Fabio.

Neither does salad.

If you really knew him all that well you'd know that he lost his pinkies in a tragic editing accident.

Perez Hilton will be the head. It will probably bring about the end of the world.

It's the move that makes Megyn Kelly bleed from…..somewhere.

You've got it all wrong, Mohd. It's definitely the Good Morning Vietnam disco version of Krush Groove.

I'd be honored to have Dominic West cheat on me.