Junkrat aka Rick Sanchez: Fury Road Edition

Are we sure this is not a marketing ploy for the new Bourne movie?

To be there when Dana White read this, or had this read to him, would have been worth a pay per view. I’m not a huge fan of UFC, but I have heard Dana White interviewed on enough sports radio to know that he is a gigantic jagbag that refuses to pay his superstars. He tries to deny that his sport is currently tied to

This is Chevy’s second generation Cruze correct? The first generation was out in 2010 correct? This is really their first chance to integrate newer technology to the main systems of the car. They are saddled with contracts from parts suppliers, so a mid generation refresh of the engine is not possible with a high

I have seen Surge at the local am/pm. I bought a can and it was just like Surge used to be which is what I imagine Slurm to taste like.

I am a bad Jalop. I only recently discovered that Trans Am racing was back. I haven’t had cable in 5 or 6 years and assumed it would stay dead forever. I have watched races on youtube and I’m very happy to see it back. I remember in the 80's and 90's watching Trans Am racing Scott Sharp, Ron Fellows, and Dorsey

It reminds me the other day watching Food Network, it was Chopped I think. One of the chefs said she “only used things from the earth”. You mean some chefs use things from space in their dishes, no wonder their food tastes better than yours hipster.

So you’re saying there’s a chance.

Maybe he’s in back and 4 security guards up front?


According to Peter Griffin, after you beat them, cut them off then flip them off. I used to roll race on the freeway in my younger days. We would do like 40 - 120 pulls on the freeway late at night. We were stupid, and luckily none of us ever came close to any danger or the cops.

We have seen what their engineers could do with their concept cars of the past few years. With a price that high they won’t have to cut corners anywhere. They won’t have to share parts, at least parts the customers see, with any other model in GM’s line. It could happen easily. Maybe a twin turbo V8 hybrid? A new

He will never wear his gold jacket. I don’t care if he had a short career or that football was his secondary sport. Every time that man stepped on the field he was the baddest man on that field. Bo was the real Human Highlight Film. If anyone is out there looking for a role model go watch some interviews of Bo

Although they should have made it on the Caprice chassis for RWD. Later those things had 300HP, that’s crazy for a factory FWD car. They could have made this side by side with the Impala. You get your choice of engines LT1 or Northstar and give the Caddy adjustable suspension. If only we had a time machine.

I am white with an odd name, Asa. I have had my name mispronounced at both graduations, the entire time I was in the army, and every teacher I’ve ever had. I’ve been called Asia, Assa, Azza pretty much every way but the correct way. It is pronounced Ace-a with a long and short a. I use my last name a lot at

I pay for my subscription and play TLK and vanilla on two different private servers. I only play about 2-3 hours a week per account though.

I am such a pacer, but if I am walking somewhere I hate being on the phone. I’m a weirdo

My thoughts exactly. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Maybe it’s to turn it off, if something goes wrong. Maybe when it’s on it affects how well the diff works. Like he can only use it on straights, so it is just a momentary button and not a toggle.

Diff Cooler?

Hearing Delino DeShield’s name makes me think of the Expos. Dude was a burner.