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    Love love love this feature. So nerdy, so pedantic and nit-picky and great. Keep up the good work!

    Star Wars: $$$$$$$$$$$$ yeah yeah get some

    Oh, I know (I hear 'y'all' on a daily basis). I was purposely picking something obnoxious. Not really sure why.

    I call my penises Snoopy and Prickly Pete.

    The same way one sucks a fuck.

    Consider that I almost said 'peeps'!

    No worries on forgetting Benched, as your reasons are excellent for doing so. Seriously, that reality show is one of the worst/oddest things I've ever seen, and I've only watched maybe 30 seconds of it.

    For anyone not near the TV, or working, or with a very specific poker-and-text interest, Norm MacDonald is apparently live-tweeting the WSOP. No idea when he'll lose interest or insta-shift into retweeting people who want him to be the new host of Q on CBC.

    Probably not a popular opinion, but 'The Series Has Landed' is one of my favorites. 'The Why of Fry' is great, too.

    Jeopardy! airs on FOX for me, and last night I caught a preview of tomorrow's episode. They are giving Arthur Chu a serious villain edit. Anyone else getting this?

    I couldn't think of anything and guessed Wisconsin, due to James Madison and their capital being Madison. Made no sense but it was all I could come up with.

    Is it possible to marry two people, especially if both of them would probably hate your guts?

    It reminded me of that Jack Handey joke: Sometimes I wish I was dead. No wait, not me. You.


    Do they do Jacques Pepin? I don't know anything about cooking but I always stop and watch for a few minutes if I see him while channel flipping.

    Fred Armisen and his group of similarly named musicians can be had for a few Arby's Beef n' Cheddars.

    sketch #1

    If the rats devour him or at least injure him in a way that makes him question his life's work and thus stop making movies, then I support this idea.

    I actually think the Eagles will win by more than that. The Panthers have been pretty awful recently. Hard to imagine that in this pass-happy age of the NFL, Cam Newton has 8 TDs halfway through the season.

    Is @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus's original post here flagged for anyone else? I can't respond to it directly. Doesn't seem to be anything offensive about it, so what gives?