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    This coming from a poster named 'Billybob' rastifies its humor 15%.

    So, I'm confused, is he gonna eat rats for 30 days or not?!?

    For some reason, this is the first time I realized that Rosita/Abraham were dating/knockin' boots. Maybe my mind was blocking that out, as it didn't make sense to me for a pretty, hot pants wearin' lady with a head on her shoulders to be with a butch-er, loose cannon-y Morgan Spurlock with a simple, steel-trap mind

    Sort by 'Best' if you don't already. Should be the first thread.

    Isn't the cracker factory run by Luann's father? Still not a justification for firing, but it makes a little sense to fire the loser whom your daughter just divorced.

    I'd never thought about it enough to wonder what it really was, but as soon as I saw the FJ answer, my mind immediately went to 'Saints' because of the logo's shape.

    It's a long movie, so maybe I've forgotten, but in re: '2.', I assumed that they brought seeds and technology to grow plants/crops, even if it meant growing them inside of the camp. I mean, they brought tents and spotlights and various amenities, so I just assumed that a few of those chambers in the fertilized egg

    I liked them a lot, too. I'm not sure it was the movie's intention, but their ridiculous ambulatory movements and praying mantis arms had me laughing sort of at but mostly with them. I just liked the idea that NASA decided that that was the best form for a humanoid robot they could come up with.

    I said the same thing to my friends in re the black guy as soon as the movie ended. Also, and maybe I just didn't notice things or I'm remembering wrong, but there seemed to be very few non-white people in the entire movie. I don't recall many east asians or Indians or latinos and there were like two black people

    I loved this movie, but when the one dude said '. . .and what do we call a 3D circle' and McConaughey smirkily said 'sphere' I audibly laughed.

    I love you

    Oh my God, yes! I wish I could upvote you a million times. That shit made zero sense and yet suddenly every writer at Gawker hated TD. Worse than Drew was Max Read, who is talentless but kept acting like the TD writing was hacky. He accused them of 'blatant dormroomism' (which I remember because of how ridiculous that

    He's loaded. His great-grandfather Phineas W. Hollister started up a successful chain of clothing retailers that thrives to this day.

    Yo, check this out, black dial-up internet starts up like this:
    *ear-piercing modem sounds*

    My takeaway from this is that you're not jacking it to Kitchen Nightmares. Develop a fetish for shouting and face crags and you can cut out the middle man and save valuable time.

    I will deny this. I find his writing boring and he seems to equate saying 'fuck' with being funny. Plus, he is painfully stupid on non-sports pop culture but ardent in his stupidity. See his HateSong here or his David Lynch article on deadspin a few weeks ago.

    He'll eventually get it if no one badgers him.

    I just decided to watch the trailer for this because I hate my life and two things jumped immediately out to me:

    Someone on the AVC staff fucked in a Modell's?

    And diacritical marks! It's ǟẅêșõṁĕ!