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    That's a stretch, but you get an upvote because the more ridiculous a stretch it is, the more I love the pun. My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give.

    I know it only because when I was a kid, you could mail in two proofs of purchase (or 'proof of purchases'? got a little Joint Chiefs of Staffs thing going on here) to get a small Lego set.

    'They range from small as your pinky nail to big as your palm'

    Fine, we'll call it 'The Homer'.

    People don't want electronics named after hungry, old, Greek broads!
    They want names like Mustang, and Cheetah, vicious animal names!

    Toy Story 69, however, will be coming tonight, just as soon as I lay head to pillow.

    I would like Morgan Spurlock and Disney to team up on my spec script about a guy named Morgan Spurlock who colonized a burial plot and then I put dirt on it and pat it down with the backside of the shovel while drinking cool lemonade straight outta the pitcher. It will be 12 minutes long and cost $45MM plus the cost

    Good article, but jeers for tossing off Ice Cream for Crow. I probably listen to that more than any other of his except maybe Shiny Beast. Just goes to show how great his output was, though.

    I totally disagree with your main point, but I'm biased because TMR was my introduction and gateway. It took me a few listens, but songs like 'Ella Guru' and 'Big Joan' and 'Pachuco Cadaver' kept me coming back for more and eventually I loved it. I might have something to do with me not hearing it until I was in my

    Hey, Jay, I occasionally read gawker because I hate myself and I stumbled upon an absolutely ridiculous article there yesterday that I figure you'd (and everyone else here, I'd imagine) get a kick out of:

    Thank you for taking me at absolute face value. You are literally a dingus.

    I prefer my ridiculous Zombie Old People explanation.

    'Duggeraii' sounds like an enemy from StarTropics.

    I can get that. I hate reading the replies to the tweets because it's like people adopt that persona and think it will be inherently funny. It's like when people @ reply to @dril.

    Our city has Beer Week this week, where every bar in town hosts tastings from both local and prominent breweries during the week. Plus this weekend is a BrewFest. $40 for four hours of all you can drink samples from like 100 breweries.

    I once was working with this one woman (our job involved traveling around in pairs for ~8 hours a day, so there was lots of one-on-one conversation), and we got to talking about sex/relationships. She told me that her and her fiance had been together for a few years and been engaged for a year and had never even kissed

    Memories of the Future by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky. It is fantastic, Kafka/Borges-type stuff from early 20th century Russia by a guy who apparently had never even read the aforementioned authors.

    I haven't been paying too much attention, so I am shocked that the Republicans did so well. How are they strengthening and doing so well when their social platform is so rigid and out of touch? For God's sake, gay marriage is still an issue with a lot of these people. Are recently deceased old people regenerating and

    haha, why? I love it because it's constantly shitting on how easy SeinfeldToday is and it's also pretty nuanced/witty.

    Plus Jack McGee and Jonesie from Reno 911.