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    Are you joking and/or high? You totally misunderstood what the OP was saying and now you're getting testy and rude. Is this a gimmick account or something?

    Except for the part where it ends and is also amazing throughout.

    I, for one, would like to see 25 uninterrupted, Wire-esque minutes of Bruce Wayne completing customs forms and the resultant expense report paperwork being scrutinized by the accounting department at Wayne Enterprises.

    ELANE hate Disqus

    Something that might help is knowing that all of us, from the zeros to the 10s, have tons of stuff about us that are negative and stupid and silly. And we all have stuff that is great about us. We're all equals: we're all shitty and dumb and great and smart. Plus at any moment, you might never see this person again,

    @lafergs:disqus: I clicked your review of Stalker, went straight to the comments, and saw that 'Mark' had a problem with your review. I've never seen Stalker and barely even know it exists, but I want you to know that I downvoted that fucker 'Mark' and upvoted you. No one talks shit about our AVC writers!

    I don't know if it's all in my head, but I am loving the way that the internet is interacting with Seinfeld and keeping it alive and well. Best example of this is Seinfeld2000, which came about as a mockery of SeinfeldToday (which is a lazy twitter account that just subs in modern things into Seinfeld-esque plots).

    I know this is formulaic and all, but I really like it. Maybe it's nostalgia for cookie-cutter, predictable sitcoms. Sitcoms were always rote and formulaic and you knew what was going to happen and how things would get resolved. You tuned in because of the cast and interactions and silly jokes.

    I'm the same way. OP listened to it because I mentioned it last week and I pretty much say the same thing you say. I love him, but he can be very boring. I've heard maybe 5-6 episodes, and really the only one I've loved was the live one with Natasha Lyonne and Sarah Silvermon. But boy did I love that one! Todd's super

    I checked this show out because someone mentioned it in the comments last week

    Those faces he makes when the eagle startles him are absolute gold. I also like the part when he's trying to read and keeps starting out by squinting and going, 'muh. . .habin. . .uh'

    Well, this and everything else he did.

    If I ever become famous, I will spend a solid year recording myself reading every word out of the OED in varying degrees of intensity and emotion so I can be inserted into any song for all eternity and thus provide for my descendents for generations to come, like Tupac.

    True, but I don't understand how putting up a page with zero text is the same amount of work as putting up that same page and filling it with likely an hour's worth of writing. It's like saying that building an unfinished table is just as much work as building and sanding and staining a table of the same size.

    My son is also named Brittany.

    Still ain't greater than 'Batin'!

    We watched 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' and 'Dazed and Confused', complete with all 'fucks', in my film-making class in 11th grade. This was like 1999 or 2000. I also convinced the teacher to let us watch 'Almost Heroes', which she hated. Public school, yeah!

    His episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee was pretty funny as well.

    VanDerWerff said that it was just as much work to set up blank pages for comments as it was to post actual reviews

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