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    I like Sonia, but that's not a very good article. The writing is fine in and of itself, but the article suffers from her forming a rigid opinion and ignoring/dismissing any contrary evidence while propping up anything that helps her prove the opinion, regardless of its strength and validity.

    I smell a Kickstarter!

    Not only that, but calling him out for being a dingus is the right thing to do. The things Che said were rooted in ignorance and idiocy; why is it taboo to say that?

    Not to indulge this, but I disagree. I find Kate McKinnon adorable and there's something about Vanessa Bayer that gets my goat, too.

    It got switched to 'pending', which is absolutely nuts. Che said some really thoughtless stuff this week and referencing it gets you flagged? For shame, AVC.

    It's too bad that that sketch was awful. The pacing, blocking, line reading, acting were all horrible. Mooney was pretty funny, but that's about it.

    Yeah, he's really been coming off as dumb/ignorant/unempathetic recently.

    We're in total agreement, Dennis, about nearly everything. I turned it off after WU because it was so bad. It's not just that the material is bad (which it is), it's that there is nothing propping it up, either. The pacing and cue-card reading are embarrassingly bad right now. It feels like a high school musical being

    Part of it, too, is that his jokes themselves have almost zero bite or personality to them. They're plain vanilla jokes being delivered out of a blank container of Dannon. The one joke I did laugh at was the prostate/sex joke, which was a total Norm-style joke.

    At this point, it would be Skeleton & Live Human Body.

    I hope that out of spite, the producers of this steal a bunch of shit from Lucy.

    'Duuude, man, these jinks are soooo hiiiigh broooo'
    -Doug Benson's closing joke at Carnegie Hall, April 20, the year 2420

    Maybe the extra +s mean something more than 'is 18 and over'. Maybe it's for people with like 7 senses like hammerhead sharks who have perceived different realities or sur-/unrealities and therefore their 18 years have some extra shit in there. If that's the case, I'm going to say 'no' until they set a multi-cam

    What the eff did I just read? These sitcoms are supposed to restore multi-camera's reputation? McCarthys is middling-to-bad and Mulaney has been universally panned as one of the worst shows in recent memory. Is John Mulaney himself ghost-writing this article? Fuck outta here with this.

    So it's an interpretation of Geek Love? I'm in.

    Wow, Asian Man Records. There's a blast from the past. Still going to stubbornly not listen to this because I hate the name, though.

    I think it depends on how you view the show. The reviewer seems to want the show to have messages or closure or say something substantial about the topics it brings up. Another viewpoint is that it's fun when they simply use current events as a premise/backdrop for their absurdity and humor.

    You sound kind of new here, so: welcome!

    it's beautiful. . .

    uhhh uhh. . .you want some gum??