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    If you go to whatisonqwikster.com you are transported to an alternate reality where McDLTs are plentiful and the Crystal Pepsi flows like God's tears.

    Oral surgery? I hope his mouth isn't lined with electrified metal.

    At some point in the future, we'll all be lying in precog baths from Minority Report six hours a day, getting all the literature and knowledge in the world beamed into our brains. We'll call it 'going to school' and most kids will still hate it.

    I didn't know this existed until recently, but here's an interview Welles gave to Merv Griffin literally hours before he died:

    Have you thought about totally overhauling your resume? That's worked for me and some people I know in the past. My friend just got a job at Etsy after starting his over from scratch.

    I do the same thing. Happy/energetic music is almost like being in a refractory period (like: why/how do I like this?) and sad/melancholy stuff is bad (set aside those Galaxie 500 LPs) for obvious reasons. Funny and/or informative podcasts are the way to go. Anything to stimulate the mind. Reading is excellent for

    On a few of mine, I've tossed friends on there to round out the list and made up what my relation to them was. They're not going to call them anyway, might as well cram some extra names on there.

    How was the liquid content? Was it a one-wipe, a two-wipe, or an 'immediately fire up the shower'? I need this information ASAP so I can get back to work.

    Yep. For two of the jobs I've gotten as an adult, they didn't even call my references at all.

    Did you mean to make a hashtag thread?

    imo, that is not normal. It's really weird. In my experience, they don't call your references until they've interviewed a full round of applicants, which usually takes days, even weeks.

    Looking at my number of upvotes and then looking at yours is like finally solving a Rubik's cube and then turning around to see a warehouse full of unsolved ones.

    On the Moh's Scale of Hardness, we're gonna party 'Boner Hard'.

    I've got the deed to my house and my first three unborn sons riding on this; don't fuck it up!

    That's pretty cool. If you use the internet wayback machine, you can relive what it used to look like. I forgot how much I prefer the older, more text-based look.

    I suppose I should be supporting the NL or something, but the Royals are too good of a story.

    AV Club is a business. imo, you do not need to worry about how they're making their money as the bottom line, not making you happy, is their primary motivator. It's not up to you to insure that they make money, it's up to them to find ways to make money that don't completely piss off their customers. I'd turn off

    Petit was regressing to the mean. He's never been more than an average pitcher, and this is only his second 'good' season. I love that no one in the booth acknowledged this, instead deciding to fellate Petit as a god and then not really mentioning it much as he fell apart out there.

    Are you a Giants fan? I'm a Mets fan so I don't care much either way, but the Giants have won two series recently and the Royals have stunk on ice for years. Seeing the stadium go bananas last night was awesome! Go Lorde's team!