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    I'm old enough to remember all the things you mention, but I give the show itself a pass because it has Norm and Jim Rash on it.

    Not 100% related, but I just got a friend to start watching Twin Peaks and we've been talking about this, so I'll put forth this question: is James the dumbest character ever to appear on a TV show? He constantly has an 'I don't understand anything you're saying' squint going on and people will point blank tell him

    Totally agree. First, that McCoy floater was indeed amazing.

    Are there any teams that could potentially move there? Off the top of my head, I can't think of any. The other sports have a few teams that are constantly mentioned as potential relocation candidates (Rays/Marlins, Bills/Jaguars/Raiders, several NHL teams), but I feel like the NBA is pretty set right now. New Orleans?

    Next time you see them, can you tell them that random internet commenter @rct thinks they're doing a bang-up job. It would mean a lot to me. More importantly, it would mean the world to them.

    Yeah, I'm a cynical bastard who hates a lot of stuff, but I loved the pilot. Eliza Coupe is great and I've been in love with Maria Bamford for years, but even outside of that, it's pretty quality writing and slightly edgy in a way that I didn't know existed on USA.

    I read the clue and thought 'Ruby Tuesdays', with an 's' at the end. Would that have been incorrect? I assume so, since neither the song nor the restaurant is called that, but then again, neither are called 'Goodbye Ruby Tuesdays', either.

    Apropos of almost nothing, but if you like the painting enough, Anne Sexton's poem/ode of the same name is great. If you turn it sideways, it even looks a little like the buildings in the painting.

    Well, this just means the commentariat is just going to have to roll up its goddamn sleeves and get to work, then! Who's ready to get their hands dirty?

    Him, @PolarBears, and @wallflower are usually required comment reading for me.

    The commentariat has a conspicuous lack of OWNAGE, I agree.

    Yeah, same here. I didn't recognize the name at first but as soon as I saw the picture it was a 'holy shit!' moment.

    I'm so pro-millennial that I only enjoy things that were made after I die 30 years from now. Take that baby boomers!

    A CancerAIDS Darkly

    Brynner? I hardly know her! but yes, we fucked

    Logan's Run sponsored by the Nike+ app for Android.

    Holy shit, you're right! What the fuck, Jim Davis?! This should have been question #1 that Erik Adams asked him above. In fact, this entire article should have been solely questions about this strip. Like, why does Jon have a British car? Why is he driving almost on the shoulder? Why is there a stop sign facing into

    The celebrity guest for that musical episode? You guessed it, Frank Stallone.

    I'm sure he did. The gag is that his face blasts into a stop sign, which would be impossible if the car was drawn properly. He was probably just trying to slip something past the reader. No dice, Jim Davis: fuck you.

    What the hell is going on in that strip? He's driving on the right side of the road, yet the wheel is on the passenger's side. Did Jon become a mailman or purchase a car from overseas? Boy, I hope someone got fired for that blunder.