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    The opposite is a pretty popular sentiment about basketball. People complain that NBA basketball is all traveling and dunking and jacking up threes. I totally disagree and can't stand college basketball as it is a heavily inferior product to the NBA. College basketball has worse shooters, worse athletes, boring 35

    For me, it's an interest thing. I love NFL football and have since I was a little kid. I've been watching it since the late 80s. But nothing bores me more than college football. I don't know why, but it is offensively boring to me. Whenever I watch college football, I completely understand people who hates sports.

    If you listen closely, you can hear his incredibly loud voice as he gets his kids ready for school.

    I think Archmage means more from a historical precedent than popularity. Baseball is a version of cricket and football is version of rugby. Basketball is sort of an original thing from America.

    I wish he still did those. They were all hilarious.

    Without context, blackface or brownface isn't racist and neither is whiteface. Given context and history, however, it is extremely racist. I am white, and I am astounded by the number of people who still use the excuse, 'oh, but if a white person did [x], it'd be racist!'.

    Total agreement. The NFL Network's coverage is 2nd best, imo, but their's is a little stultified. FOX homogenized football and tried to amp up the energy and edge, failing to realize that football itself has enough energy and violence on its own. CBS is just a snoozefest. They did dump Marino and Sharpe which is a

    I know lots of people hate Collinsworth, but I really like him with Al Michaels (who, strangely imo, lots of people also hate). They are leaps and bounds ahead of virtually every other football announcing team.

    He's got a motor that won't quit!

    I'm ignorant of whatever AVC's stance is on the show, but I know that when Review was on and people were absolutely clamoring for weekly reviews of it, AVC said that they wouldn't review it as it was a new cable show without an established audience. Didn't stop them from reviewing stuff like Broad City (which, thank

    I think in every single taste test, regardless of food, both Sonia and Marah have made the same face that Elaine makes when Jerry asks her what she thinks of uncircumcised penises. Come on, people! Junk food is delicious!

    Anyone going to the NYCC in October? I am, and so far I'm pretty underwhelmed by the guests.


    Right now this is at 69 likes. I hope no one else likes this so that the symbolism of this issue daisy-chaining itself will remain.

    I guess I'm talking more about either taking a first step or, in some cases, seeing how much you like whatever it is you're pursuing. But like @LiberalCollegeFreshman:disqus says, there are plenty of online colleges that are legit now. Online classes have made huge leaps in the last few years (with high speed internet

    What/where is said boob survey?

    If you don't mind your schedule being slammed, figuring out what you want to do and taking online courses while keeping that job is a good idea. I'm currently in an industry I don't care about and am working towards something else. It helps that my job has tons of down time, but still. Keeping the paycheck while

    Haha, the author of that ridiculous phone article is also the one who's written two of the three articles about Seinfeld being racist. I don't know how someone could write and publish that stuff, even as trolling, and still live with themselves. I mean, they're assailing a real human being as a racist (ie one of the

    What makes it incredibly confusing is that, in its first season, Chiklis was not only nominated, but won for Best Actor. But after that, it was like the voters totally forgot about the show. As you said, Chiklis only got one other nomination, plus CCH Pounder got one, as did Glenn Close (mostly based on hype, imo;

    I watched it originally as it aired and rewatched the series last summer. I'll have to wait til I read the recaps next week to remember which 'yeah' you're talking about, but already I can't wait.