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    With all the talk of Emmys this week, I really wish Goggins had gotten some recognition.

    I loooove that scene way more than I feel like I should. Whenever I see Forrest Whitaker in anything, both that and the 'FOR POSSESSION. OF HEROIN. WITH INTENT. TO DIS-TRIB-UTE' immediately pop into my head.


    imo, the Seinfeld thing is a three-pronged combination of the following: an incredibly misguided attempt at social justice, the naivete of a few young writers (like, fresh out of college with no real world experience and probably little reverence for Seinfeld), and trying to be provocative/click-bait.

    haha yes! My favorite little thing about that was that Morrissey wanted to get Jobriath to tour to support Your Arsenal, being unaware that Jobriath had been dead for like 10 years.

    Agreed. It's the first one I got as a kid. Doesn't have all the early hits, but for a career-spanning retrospective, it's great.

    Say what you will about Morrissey, but something like 10 years ago he curated a compilation for some record company's Under the Influence series. His compilation got me into Sparks (he'd included the demo 'Arts & Crafts Spectacular'), so for that I'm eternally grateful.

    Gawker Media and the majority of their commenters trade in hypocrisy. It's often jarring to read an article there, and then come here and see the more level-headed approach to the same topic from both the article authors and the commenters.

    Jezebel's thing is even more funny in light of their several articles critiquing what many women wore (while not critiquing any men) and how the comments on their article specifically devoted to what Lena Dunham wore are, for the most part, variations on wondering whether or not Dunham actively wants to look bad.

    I have to agree with @avclub-97815cb302c2a984aac3af1ee8f68e8d:disqus. For pretty much every site on the internet (especially here), I always just use google. [search query] followed by site:avclub.com usually works. There are very few sites out there that have decent search capabilities on their sites. Even those that

    She can be the statue in front of the restaurant that pigeons shit on.

    Even if they do, I doubt they'd get any recognition. They had an episode either this past season or the one before where they mocked awards, and not in a gladhanding way.

    I read these in a 'Norm Macdonald doing Larry King's 'News & Views'' voice.

    That's the most unbearable part for me about them winning every year: seeing that huge ensemble make their way to the stage. It's so unearned and it's embarrassing that they keep winning.

    It is. The first few seasons were decent, but the last 2+ have been offensively bad and lazy. And I say this as someone who has hated BBT since it came out. But Modern Family has surpassed it in shittiness, from the lazy stereotypes to the half-baked plotting to the shrillness and cattiness of the characters to the

    I didn't watch but holy shit, how in the bloody fuck does Modern Family keep winning these things? Every other comedy in that category is streets ahead of it, even BBT. For fuck's sake.

    Now that I would watch! Two stipulations could be that Joe is not allowed to cook anything Italian and that he has to wear a comically large chef's hat.

    Oh God, 'Teacher's Pet' is a perfect description for Courtney. It's so phony, too. I wish Jerry Seinfeld would break her thumbs.

    -That was odd about Courtney being the pitchman for the airfryer. Did they ever really explain what one of them is? I was playing guitar during Masterchef as is my wont and was surprised that they didn't seem to spend any time on it.