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    Wow, you're right. I just read the apology and boy is that some 3rd rate bullshit. Basically takes no responsibility for anything he said and then also blames everyone else for not understanding him and being too quick to judge his comments.

    Yikes. Notable is that he seems to dismiss it all as a 'fit of depression'. Nice to see that people who are paid to espouse their opinions on TV haven't the slightest clue about depression/mental illness.

    Remember, by the way, to tune in at eight o'clock for highlights of today's vigil, including when the garbage man came, and when Marge Simpson put the cat out. . . possibly because it was harassed, we don't know.

    Same here. WTF reposted it (as they do when someone dies), so you don't currently need a premium account to hear it, ie it's free to download and listen to. Highly recommended.

    I don't think so! Teach me.

    Does anyone here ever eat Taco Bell? I do, but I stopped ordering any kind of taco from there (I stick to burritos or quesadillas or nachos) for this exact reason. They construct their tacos (and gorditas and chalupas, etc) in this fashion: first meat, then lettuce, then cheese. Completely fucking backwards. They've

    Yep. Plus they basically charge sit-down dining prices for their burgers. If I'm spending $9-12 for a burger and fries, I'll go to a pub or something where I can get a beer as well.

    -They've done some double eliminations in the past, but I was surprised, too, that they didn't try to make up some convoluted qualifier for it in order to dust off the old 'IN THE HISTORY OF MASTERCHEF' gem. Like, 'this is the first prawn, boy-girl-girl, triple-dish, double elimination in the HISTORY OF MASTERCHEFFFFFF

    -I have to admit, I teared up a little bit when Ahran was getting eliminated. Seeing Leslie show some genuine emotion and trying to maintain the whole 'stiff upper lip' thing when he was on the verge of tears got me. Damn you, Masterchef!

    Same here. I was never a fan of his, but any time it's suicide it touches me deeply. I remember back in high school when Ray Combs (the Family Feud host) killed himself and crying over it. That was the first time a celebrity death touched me, and every time since when it's suicide, I lose it.

    Haha, that was the first thing I noticed/liked, too.

    Masterchef tonight! Is @palmer45 around to recap it or is s/he still on vacation? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Totally agree. I like hearing his voice and honestly, if he's making stuff up, I kinda like that better.

    I don't think he's bullshitting the stories I'm referring to. The 'incredible stories' I'm talking about are sometimes as simple as 'we met this actor in the village. He spoke something in his native language [ie whatever's in the movie], and I never knew what he said and moved on and I never saw him again'. He could

    I don't think (maybe it is, but I don't think so) it's a conscious thing. I have about the same amount of posts as you and even less upvotes and plus I've gotten into bitchy fights with whole hoards of people here and I don't feel like anyone is 'isolating' me.

    Guess you're just 'stuck in the past'. Like, get over that shit already!

    Fuck it, I'm getting Starz.

    Too late! The Snozzberries guy from Super Troopers has you beat.

    Also ESPN's The Rick. Anyone else remember that shit?

    I don't get it, either. Especially when you consider that it's the internet and there are many other options out there, often with much better writing staffs. One of the key draws for AVC is its commenting community, so complaining when that community, you know, does its thing, seems so weird to me. Like, don't like