
Back around the time that Kill Bill came out, I had the brilliant idea that in order to reinvigorate the flailing Star Trek franchise, they should just let Quentin Tarantino the chance to direct one of the movies. Okay, it may not have been so brilliant.

I thought AV Club was joking about that line, so I went to the original quote. And he says it—not quite in the manner presented here, but he does basically say even the crappy series seem to do pretty well streaming.

Oh, fuck. Harry Dean Stanton!

Paxton had a great smile, and he used it well as an actor. With it, he could seem genial, smug, menacing, or sleazy. And while he turned in some great leading role performances, he was just really fucking good at making a small part instantly memorable.

Please tell me you didn't have to look up those lyrics!

I've got no time for this navel gazing bullshit; the new Pissed Jeans album is out today!

Wolverine showed up in so many different comics in the 90s, they might as well have made teleportation one of his mutant powers.

Holy shit! I think I completely forgot about Hi Honey, I'm Home! until this moment. It must have been buried somewhere in my subconscious, because I'm pretty sure I watched a handful of episodes as a kid.

That's what happens when you decide to take the C-Line to uptown Manhattan. Rookie mistake.

X-Men and Marvel's properties should always be separate. Even in the comics, the X-Men felt like they were doing their own thing, separate from the rest of the Marvel universe. It always seemed jarring when someone like Spider-Man would show up. Keep X-Men weird, man!

I think I had to look up the solution online.

I'm a little confused by this year's pick. At first, I thought the author chose Bad Boys because it inaugurated Bay's career as director, even though his breakthrough hit and arguably best film, The Rock, came out in the following year. And then I see at the bottom that next week, we're going to look at The Rock.

"Nightswimming" is one of my absolute favorite R.E.M. songs and probably one of my favorite songs of all time. It's achingly nostalgic, but I wouldn't call it sappy in the least. It has some of Stipe's best lyrics, and the opening description of the photograph on the dashboard is a wonderful detail that also doubles

I can't wait until the scene where Danny McBride and James Franco share a bowl with that Rasta-Alien from AvP: Requiem.

I actually thought Maher initially made a reasonable case as to why he invited Milo onto his show, but the actual segment was pretty embarrassing for Maher. He completely dropped the ball, and this was only highlighted by the fact that Milo's fellow conservatives sunk him shortly after his appearance. It sounds like

Doesn't matter. That's clearly a made up name anyway.

April 14? That's my birthday! Thanks for the present, Joel.

I second this. If the film were released today, it would be laughed out of theaters. But in the 90s we could pretend that everyone struggled with bourgeois ennui and unfulfilling riches.

So that's what it's like to not give a fuck.

I didn't think it was inherently a bad thing to invite this douchenozzle onto Maher's show, but from the clips I've seen, Maher handled him with kid's gloves. It was pretty sad, and this recent revelation only points to how poorly the entire affair was handled.