

Has this guy ever even seen a Klingon? Ready the pitchforks, people!

Season 2 started off terribly, but it quickly got better as it went along. Here's hoping Season 3 is more consistent.

Actually, Penguin's meteoric rise to political stardom seems even more realistic today than it did in the early nineties.

How about cartoons that are also feature films? Because I would put Batman: Mask of the Phantasm at the top of that list. I actually think it includes the most mature and nuanced look at Batman/Bruce Wayne as a character.

Don't worry. If my experience with people has taught me anything, it's that so long as some of your best friends are of a particular ethnic/racial group, then you can say anything about that ethic/racial group without being a bigot. It's kind of like having a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Dino Jr. are loud. I couldn't hear anything the day after seeing them live. Definitely pack some earplugs.

It's amazing that most films aren't able to do what John Wick and its sequels manage effortlessly: make action exciting. You would think that the ability to film an action scene would be a requirement of every director working.

That's at least 90% of all internet complaints about comic book movies.

I'm surprised it's taken them this long to remake Highlander. Honestly, it's a film ripe for remaking. It has a fun premise, but the original film is merely okay, and it was followed by a bunch of terrible sequels.

"I have this theory that young Reeves was best in movies that required him to be bemused"

Keanu doesn't have much range as an actor (to say the least), but he's found his niche over the years. I don't think younger Keanu would have be able to deliver that "I'm thinking I'm back" monologue from John Wick. Also, his directorial effort, Man of Tai Chi, is better than most Hollywood action films. Over the

All three of those shows are doing different things and are from different eras of television. DS9 couldn't have done what it did without TNG. Likewise, TNG expanded on TOS.

You don't have to make this a Sophie's Choice situation. They're both great shows, but they're also very different from one another, which is actually why I love the first three Trek series. They exist in the same world, but they all have very different perspectives on that world.

You're a monster.

I've been to Pittsburgh. I've tried Pittsburgh pizza, and I remember liking it. I'm originally from Northeast Ohio, though, so I can't give you specific recommendations. I have confirmed with other former Pittsburgh residents that what they have in the city is a lot better than the dozen or more places they've tried

I've lived on the East Coast for a decade now, and the pizza out here sucks. It's usually thin crust that's also really soggy and gross. I kind of find New Yorker's love for their pizza fascinating, because it's objectively terrible, but they're somehow incredibly proud of it. The Goldilocks zone for pizza is halfway

Let's hope that they bring back Barb …so they can again kill her unceremoniously.

I haven't watched the entire film since it first came out on VHS all those years ago, but I've caught snippets here and there. As much as I appreciate the fact that the film is trying to resurrect the 60s campy Batman, it's done in such a lazy manner.

The year 3000 will truly be a world of wonders.