
"He said he was not aware of anyone else in Hong Kong building humanoid robots as a hobby and that few in the city understood his ambition."

My guess is that Striperella was the one superhero that Stan Lee didn't steal from someone else.

But according to all those magazines at the grocery store checkout, they're about a hair's breadth away from divorcing.

So this is going to be a bunch of warmed over jokes from Spaceballs, right?

You were so close. You just had to give it a bit more of a Pusher

If the shooter had very calmly mowed down all the dancing characters before being tackled, then I would have a much higher opinion of the show.

You know what really pissed me off about the finale of the OA that hasn't gotten any attention? [Spoilers Below]

Thank you for giving me the permission I needed to completely let my body go to seed.

In that case, should't he be pummeling Scoot's parents?

But still probably enough plot to only fill about seven or eight of those.

Let's hope this time they have a narrative that justifies ten full episodes.

But if "Everything Is Awesome" doesn't that make the Lego Movie just average?

Hey, Paramount. Could you find some way to pull the first World War Z movie from my memories. I'd really appreciate it.

Ugh. At least fifty percent of all op-ed pages are filled with dead weight these days.

I actually hadn't heard that about Tom Delay. Damn. Republicans are as dumb as you expect them to be.

"And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand."

Actually, I think these roles should be reversed.

Whoever booked Colbert had to have thought he was a conservative, right? I mean, the only other explanation is that someone was purposefully sabotaging the administration.

That roasting of Bush was a thing of beauty. As much as the Bush administration hated the fact that Colbert mocked them to their faces while they could do nothing, it's worth remembering the press tore apart Colbert's performance the next day. His routine not only ripped the administration but also exposed how

Barb was a wet blanket.