
Also, I kind of find it hilarious that the subtext of that commercial is that if you don't continuously monitor your daughter, then she will turn into a major slut.

Isn't that basically the premise of Hum, the product whose commercials run before everything you watch on Hulu…ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME!

If scientists weren't always killing everyone's buzz, then maybe people would actually take the science of global warming seriously.

Too bad there are only like a dozen or so directors working in Hollywood.

Damn. And how the hell will we get access to the show without subscribing to another worthless streaming service? It's not like there are any workarounds.

It looks like Dylan really took that dig by Robert Pollard to heart.

I'm sure Warner Brothers are clamoring to get the guy who made Yoga Hosers to make their multi-million dollar superhero film.

That's kind of like me saying that I would flatly refuse the Miss America pageant crown.

You know, I think that if you just keep repeating the phrase "fascist left," then at some point it must be true.

Conservative commentators are proof that the language as a virus metaphor has merit. It's amazing how quickly they pick up little phrases and then repeat them in lockstep over and over again.

Of all of The Crystal Skull's many cinematic sins, perhaps the worst is wasting John Hurt.

Whenever John Hurt showed up in a film, it felt like you were given a little extra something, like a Christmas present you found hidden behind the tree. It's not hyperbole that he elevated just about everything he was in.

Well, he was only elected because the Federation hacked his opponent and leaked embarrassing information, so it's easy to see why he's confused.

We are Groot.

I'm okay with this, so long as it's a stately indie film in the vein of My Dinner with Andre. I really want to know Groots thoughts on life, family, and growing older.

AV Club has always been a bit lacking when it comes to following new music. Oh, well. With three albums out by relatively big name musicians, today is a good day for rock music.

I think it's the lyrics that prevent me from full-heartedly getting behind Japandroids. When they're on, they can produce a great fist-pumping chorus. But too often, their songs dip into undergraduate poetry.

So, no Ty Segall review, AV Club? What gives?

Good to know!

From what I've read, they're now a quartet. I'm seeing them play for the first time next week. What was wrong with their live shows?