
It constantly surprises me to see studios treat films as simple equations where A + B = C. (For instance, in the case of Suicide Squad, WB believed A equaled GOG-like anti-heroes, B equaled well-used pop songs, and C equaled money).

Yeah, I do not agree with the internet consensus that BvS and Suicide Squad failed because they were too "grimdark." They failed because they weren't well made. The Dark Knight is a pretty grim film, but it's also regarded as one of the best superhero films in recent memory. I hope Warner Brothers doesn't take the

That ranking is wack.

As I've gotten older and it has become clearer what a terrible job Baby Boomers have done running the country, the more I hate Forrest Gump. It's not the only reason to hate that film, but these days, for me, it's the number one reason.

I have a few single female friends in their late twenties/early thirties and dating in the digital age sounds like an absolute hellscape to me. I think the only people winning out are skeezy dudes who are improbably now given near unlimited dating options.

I gave up by the end of the second to last season. It was like going through a grueling marathon and then just putzing out at the last half mile.

I just don't believe in love anymore.

I don't like to brag, but I quit this show after the first season. (And yet somehow suffered through shows like Weeds, True Blood, and Dexter for far longer than I like to admit).

Is going off to find yourself code for heading out on a ten month drunk? Because if I were nineteen, a millionaire, and with all the time in the world, going out to find myself would be code for a ten month drunk.

Every time it's game day for Tom Brady they have a multi-hour conversation about how amazing Tom Brady is.

If you have a movie role to fill, and you don't have enough money to hire his brother, then, sure, you care about Casey Affleck.

The terrible handling of the expendable squad member may have been the most hilariously incompetent aspects of the entire movie. But, then again, there were plenty to choose from.

Addendum: one of the best superhero shows still on the air.

Is it okay if I admit that I think this show has steadily increased in quality since its first season and has since become one of the best superhero shows on television behind only Jessica Jones? (Please don't throw things at me.)

Is it just my imagination, or does the dude up front look like a Pablo Picasso painting?

Two reasons why America deserves to continue its long, slow decline in one place.

Also, where were all the suicides?

And it wasn't even that the trailers promised a shocking twist. They also suggested there might be some thriller or horror elements in the movie. Throughout the movie I kept on waiting for the filmmakers to discover that Angela was keeping other men she lured to her house in her basement.

I believe he even says he "kicked" the map. How the hell do you kick a map?

I just read an interview with Jarmusch where he admits that he's never even watched a Star Wars. This still shouldn't prevent studios from giving him the reins to the franchise, though.