
But he's such a heel in Pumping Iron. In that movie, you can both see why he's a star and why he had a hidden love child for years. Both sides of Arnold are on display.

So this mostly just collects Jack Whites acoustic songs from various albums? Like they just took "Apple Blossom" from De Stijl and slapped it on this album? It's not even an alternate recording or anything? I'm just trying to get my head around why this album exists.

That police station scene still really holds up. Damn.

I would put Walker into the category of good films by Alex Cox.

My guess is that Streep would make a more believable Mexican playing an Indian than Cumberbatch.

Well, from people I've discussed this with, they feel as if she benefited from white privilege for most of her life and then made the switch, so there's that. Others have suggested that her ability to pass is itself a form of white privilege. While a small minority of blacks have been able to pass as white, the

I think this is pretty tricky. In the future when the concept of race has been completely abolished, people will be allowed to identify with whatever culture they so choose. However, I think in this instance people initially were appalled at the apparent deception. There's also a long and ugly history of whites

Quentin Tarantino sure is nostalgic for the 70s, but it just doesn't permeate popular culture in the same way as the 80s. I was born in the 80s, which is probably why I've always been more fascinated by the 70s. There was some weird shit going on back then. By comparison the 80s seem relatively tame. Of course, that

Sometimes I feel like nostalgia for the 80s started in the 80s.

Don't trust anything J.J. Abrams says. Meryl Streep is absolutely playing Khan Noonien Singh.

One of my pet peeves is when something deserves to be criticized, but fans criticize the film or TV show for all the wrong reasons. For instance, the Star Wars prequels weren't very good, but I find the complaint that there was too much politics to be off the mark (it's not like it took up too much time or was all

"Um, why are you guys still obsessed with the 80s?" —Marty in the actual year 2015

I read about a recent Star Trek event (the one in New York, maybe?) where Nicholas Meyer flat out stated that they weren't going to do things that the fans want because the fans themselves don't always know what they want. Some of the audience clapped but there was also some audible booing.

If I remember correctly, it touches on this at the very end.

It's a little known fact that Frank Castle actually hates the scene with the three waterfalls more than he hates the nuking of the fridge.

You just put a target on your back, Spider-Man.

Fun fact: the actual Amazon is only slightly less deadly than working in one of Amazon's warehouses.

Somehow out of everything LeBeouf has said and done, his elevation of Michael Bay over Steven Spielberg is the one thing that's really pissed me off.

It looks like Marvel films is finally trying to get its act together and maybe, just maybe, catch up to DC.

I think the writers will have plenty to work with. Unless all of a sudden everyone stops doing drugs. Then they might be screwed.