
I have no clue what they were thinking with that trailer. It was tonally off and didn't accurately sell the film. Let's hope they hire a different marketing firm next time.

Star Trek Beyond turned out to be the most enjoyable blockbuster of the summer, which I did not expect from the terrible trailers. They really screwed up the marketing of that film.

I've heard good things about both of those shows, especially Person of Interest. I keep on meaning to make the plunge.

Longmire should get credit for making the procedural watchable again. It took all of that unrealistic CSI shortcutting out of the equation, chose a great setting, and built some memorable characters. Every network hoping to turn out yet another procedural should look to Longmire to see how it's done and done well.

Also, her character has gotten more to do as the show continued. It's become a pretty good role for her.

I'm only three episodes in, but I actually think Turn is pretty good. I was avoiding that show because of the mediocre reviews, even though the subject matter is right up my alley, but so far the first season's actually pretty solid. I don't know what people were complaining about.

I'm sure smartphones are great and everything, and they seem like they can accomplish a lot, but I can't imagine the joy of owning a smartphone every really competing with the joy of smugly noting that I don't even own one.

Someone should tell Superman that when a guy doesn't wear underwear it's not sexy.

It only makes sense.

What about that assassin droid version of C3-PO? When does he make his film debut?

I like to think that Barsanti is fulfilling a generation spanning battle against oranges. Millennia ago an orange fell on Barsanti's great-great-great-etc.-grandfather blinding him, and since then the Barsanti clan has sworn a blood oath against the fruit.

The entire article is worth a read. There are some choice quotes. I like this one from Starship's bassist:

This is a nice nuanced look at Eastwood's recent work. I thought the reactions to American Sniper were overblown. But I still think Gran Torino basically gives the audience permission to be as racist as they want to be because deep down they can believe they're really good people. The worst scene in that dumb movie is

Well, progress isn't perfection.

According to Wikipedia, Bautista's dad is Filipino. In the original film Tang Po is just some tall dude in yellow face, so I think we're making progress.

I watched the original a couple days ago, and it is a gloriously ridiculous B-movie. I highly recommend it.

That extended chase scene is superb.

I can't fully get on the "I hate Kevin Smith" bandwagon, even if I sometimes understand it. But of course I haven't seen one of his films since Clerks 2 (which I just looked up and realized was ten years ago. Holy shit.)

You're not exactly skewering a sacred cow at this point.

It's weird going back and watching Smith's earlier films. You can see why he was absolutely overhyped at the time, but you can also see why he was at one time a promising filmmaker. I actually think Clerks and Mallrats hold up the best. Clerks's occasionally amateurishness can be somewhat endearing, and it's still