
Dude, I'm pretty sure they just released a single and then disbanded.

Honestly, the DVDs are as much if not more of a draw for me than the streaming. I guess I just prize selection over moderately more convenience. (Although, since they deliver them straight to your mailbox, the DVDs are still pretty damn convenient.)

Once they let Armageddon move in, the entire neighborhood went to shit.

I remember Tiny Furniture being pretty good. I mean, not good enough for me to seek out her other work, but it was funny at times. Also, it's on Hulu!

After about a decade and several replacement parts, my ipod classic finally died. I just bought a FiiO x 3 (second generation), and as far as sound quality goes, it's a major improvement. The software isn't as responsive as Apple's products, but as something designed solely to listen to music, I think it's far

This is quaint. Absolutely spot on, but quaint nonetheless.

We have an optimist over here.

Bear Vs. Shark randomly came up on my computer the other day, and I had forgotten what a great band they were. It's a shame they burnt out so quickly.

She's just goosestepping…all over your preconceptions of what constitutes good art.

Now that radio is dead and it's no longer necessary to have cable, it's become so much easier to hide from pop music. We live in a wonderful age.

But according to how the term "rockist" is usually deployed, being a fan of The Smiths absolutely makes you a rockist. Anyway, it's a dumb term and should be retired already.

I was just listening to The Blue Mask the other day. Lou Reed's discography is all over the place, but you can find a masterpiece or two from just about any era of his.

Maybe I should revisit Pablo Honey. It was the first album by them I bought, and it almost spoiled the band for me. Luckily, my sister had OK Computer. She wasn't one of those "cool" older sisters who had good taste in music. In fact, she has terrible tastes in music, and to this day I don't know why she owned the

Does Zach Braff think he's some sort of Bela Tarr-esque experimental filmmaker rather than a milquetoast director and actor?

I have nothing against a blowjob metaphor in a song. It's just weird that the song and video is pretty much Katy Perry explicitly offering up herself to the viewer/listener. And being a "California gurl" is defined almost entirely by how attractive and sexually available they are.

"But maybe someday we will be…"

Yeah, I have no clue what relationship he has with these women. I just assumed they were some random people on the internet, but who knows.

Good point. He probably would have survived the first scandal if people in his party liked him.

If you think this is bad, then for your own good please don't click on the Anthony Weiner story.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Mel Brooks's best work made use of Wilder. He was able to both find the appropriate tone for the comedy and ground the character and story.