
Damn it, that is freaking me out and I can't stop starring.

Ben Mendelsohn was amazing in Bloodlines on Netflix.

Britt, what the hell are you doing? Your team is still down, and you taunt. You are supposed to be the veteran of the team man!

Audition, the ending messed me up a bit. Didn’t help that I am married to a Japanese.

This is my view on this whole aliens thing. Imagine us, all this time on our planet and we manage just to get our people to our single moon. Imagine the many other planets out there, what if they are just like us? They can only manage to get to their moon.

Seriously, people just need to stop having them babies.

35,000 dollars. And that is the problem. You can’t charge people 35,000 dollars for a 30 mile range and 3-4 hour charge time. Should have kept it simple and make it under 10,000 dollars.

Goodwood gives good wood, there I said it, I am sorry.

When Indiana Jones' father did it, nobody had a problem with it. Well, maybe that Natzi flying the plane.

Reading stories like this makes me kinda sad. This guy had it all, all he had to do is try. He had enough talent to maybe be good for 4-6 years as long as he kept his nose clean. He would have retired rich and could have any NFL jobs after that.

You see this turn? I am pointing right at it, yeah... that turn. You do not want to lift-off there.

Forget the catch, did you see that pitch?

Okay, I have watched this thing several times. I am still not sure what happened.

Okay, New Zealand, here’s your chance. You are the the ugly sibling to Australia. If you build this, everyone will come. You already have Hobbit Town, now it is time to build the rest. Build everything that was in the trilogy and make it like an amusement park. I am telling you, there will not be enough banks to store

Awesome job! One day.... just one day, I will buy a crap bike and make it beautiful!

There’s only one worthy punishment. I am sure Cecil has his pride still roaming around in Zimbabwe. Dump the dentist about 15 ft away from the pride armed with only a butter knife. Also, please injure the dentist with an arrow before doing said dump.
When all is said and done, go ahead and mount the dentist’s head on a

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Ong Bak final fight scene. Watch that final double knee move, fantastic!

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The protector, Tony Jaa breaking 200+ bones.

Rate-R, you are so very correct. Both parties are so horrible.