
I want 2 things to happen from this investigation. The first thing has already happened, Sepp Blatter is gone. The second thing, Qatar being disqualified to host the World Cup due to corruptions.

Okay, I am doing some math here and counted 1200 death so far in Qatar. That sounds good, sounds normal in a middle eastern building project. So... how many death wasn’t reported?

Yeah, I think my worst moment in life was in Thailand. When you live in Thailand, you eat raw mango with sweet dipping sauce made with tamarind. Now, tamarind is tasty but could produce a problem.
My friends and I were eating a bunch of raw mangos in the house behind mine. Hours later, it hit me, and it hit hard!

WTF. Damn.

If he was driving that car back then, he might have escaped his fate in Baltimore (Wire).

Citroen 2CV. One with square lights, one with round lights. I want it, I want it so bad.

He should be making $15 an hour.

Hardy: I should have been a boxer.

When I was in Highschool in Thailand, my girlfriend left me for one of the rich douche. I wasn’t mad, just shook his hand and told him to take care of her. Well, something happened in the crowded cafeteria. They were arguing, he stood up and slapped her across the face several times. The cafeteria fell silent.


Why do they follow soccer from other countries? They do that because that's where all the stars play. Also, the games are played at a totally different level there.

Yeah, I saw it before. 7 years ago, Mitsubishi could just pump out Evos and Galants. They need something new, and this might just make them relevant again.

This looks great, and Mitsubishi needs to bring this to market unaltered.

First I saw the Lucasfilm logo and I has a sad. Then I saw the trailer and I has a happy!

Drive it up Pikes Peak.

Great! Now bring over the S660, add things to make it comply with US safety, add a 1 liter engine, name it the S1000. You will get money from me.

He called a white guy the “N word”. Can the white guy call him cracker? Just wondering.

(Sorry, just wondering where the line is. I end a sentence with a preposition. Oh no!!!!!)
Is it a preposition? English is my second language, unsure now... damn it! Opening my 5th beer. People should just drink beer, chill and eat

A life story.
When I was living in Thailand, a friend and I went out for a drink at a disco tech (it's a big in in Thailand in the early 90s).
We sat there and drank 1 bottle of Johnny Red Label. Two gorgeous "women" walked up to us with a bottle of Johnny Black Label. "Hey!!! Welcome!"
Now they just sat there, laugh at

I was lucky enough to walk through a park during Sakura season. An amazing experience that I will never forget.

After the wind dies down, they would have to clean another stain off the window.

Stone cold nerves? How about stone cold balls!