
My wife knows zero about cars but will sit down and watch Top Gear Specials. She said Top Gear shows the beautiful views of different countries, and she appreciates that.

The guy with the backward white douche cap shouldn't have kicked the other douche while he's down.

There is a way to continue on. Basically put Clarkson on probation, 1 year salary to charity, and 1 year salary to compensate Tymon. Also, the first 10 minutes of the next episode will be Clarkson apologizing for his mistakes.

This might work as a 10 episode season on FX. Or is it FXX?

Hold on, is there going to be a protest for his arrest?

As a dog owner, I was LMAO. Then I start thinking, he shouldn't be feeding those things to Fritz.

9 years for lives destroyed, seems unjust. Few of the victim (maybe 1 or 2) may raise above the rape and refuse to make the rape define their lives. However, the majority will be damaged for the remainder of their lives.
For them, this is an absolute slap in the face. I think we can do better.

Wow, how much money are these guys getting from Qatar?

Please set the pie on the counter for at least 30 minutes to cool down.

Wow! What is more impressive; he didn't run up to the shot, he didn't take a couple of steps, he just reached backed and unloaded on Germany. That is some impressive power.

$36000 for a Beetle? Who the hell pays that much for a Beetle? There are much better cars out there for much less.

Hey, I have read your reviews of many, many beers. I'm in St Louis and love the real St Louis beer; Schlafly.

Must be all that "green tip" bullet I heard about.

If you are married to a Japanese women, Audition will mess you up.

My wife, son and I went out to a St Louis Cardinals game. When we returned home, we were greeted with a intoxicated mix of poop, garbage and death. My basset hound mix dog had exploded her ass all over the house. These were not solid, these were an interpretation of a Pollock piece splattered all over my house. After

And the maker of Candy Crush will sue them.

Sun burned us all, she lived.

You sir, have your priority straight!

I have guns, but I would never fly to another continent just to shoot an elephant. I have guns to protect my wife and my kid. That is it. If someone walks into my house uninvited, I be properly prepared.

I made this point with my friend. People agree that the age of the universe is about 13 billion years. 13 billion years and we are it. The furthest we went was our moon. The chance of making it any further is pretty slim because we are using up all of our resources on personal gadgets. So, for 13 billion years, this