
In defense of the 2nd gen Solara.
I have a 2004 Solara, it is more than "just a car in coupe form". The interior is simple and nicely designed. There's a 3-body trunk in the back for all your bags on long road trips. It has taken me to so many places in US without a single problem. It is a road trip cruiser with

Don't mind me, I am not crying, I have a Lincoln in my eye.

Japan was so much better with their old coach.

Acura just needs an update version of this and the Integra and they will be back in the game.

44 ladies! That's me! Whoo! Getting some cold cuts today! Damn, I love that commercial.

There's a third option, Chinese Snot Rocket.

I have completed 4 half marathons, but I don't have the testicle fortitude to try a full marathon.

Done registering, I hope they beta test this.

October comes, signaling change
Coloring leaves on a mountain range
One thing always remain the same
Cardinals are still playing the game

Credit to Kershaw though, on 3 days rest he pitched one hell of a game. He was untouchable until those 2 mistakes in the 7th inning. If I had just hit a 3 run homer off Kershaw, I would have moonwalked all the way home.

You say anchor, I say trap. One day the owner will walk under that rock and the spider will release it on his head.

Sadness? You want sadness? I watched Grave of the Fireflies again last week... I am still crying! Damn that can of candies!

I am unsure how he could sit on that bike with that set of balls.

Not sure why, but when I look right here I think Nissan GTR.

Okay, one day I will have to sit down and try to understand Cricket. Just looking at the screen, 1st innings ( there's multiple innings in the 1st innings?), they are already trailing by 253 (throw in the towel), overs 65.3 (what the frik?), Rehman is 0 for 31 (time to bench his ass), 198-2 (that's the score?

Leopard dive bomb an impala was almost leopard impaled by an impala.

Now playing

I dare you to punch these chick's right in their pussy.

Forgot my decoder ring... don't get what he is saying.

Oh, be still bleeding hearts. Looking back at what my brother and I did to destroy the house 30 years ago, I understand why my mother whup us.

I know Jalopnik does the "does it baby" part in their car reviews. Maybe there needs to be a "does it body" portion in the review regarding the trunk space.