
Spies like Us?

Not if if that’s what’s established in the narrative. What you describe, was not the film established. The film established itself as being about real working illusionists ding stagecraft, not the X-men. That was the whole base of the movie, that they were performing a “work”, thus the world created has to abide by

Maybe not for long after Hogan dropped the leg on Gawker Media.

It can’t be “both” because the whole foundation of one is about reality and physics, specifically NOT fantasy. That’s the point, commit to one, or commit to both. They specifically told us “illusion”, then they cheated. They established the ground rules, the ground rules of “real magicians participating in the craft”

I was there from 2008-(Feb)2016.

The Shannon?

Indeed, Paddy’s is worse. Santa Con, which is horrid, at least tends to get more folks of actual drinking age and experience.

He had a pretty good season.

Yeah, when the tricks in a movie about magicians are obvious movie-magic it totally deflates the experience. Indeed, I’m sure movies about magicians manipulate the medium, why not, but this movie didn’t even bother. Christ, at this point why even bother with “tricks”, just tell me they’re all really using magic.

Due to production the show has taken more than a few years whereas the books are only about 18-24 months.

Sansa looking Yowza, she has grown up quite well.

The optimism is that people have finally accepted that they have to become killing machines in order to survive. The optimism is that they have come to grips that they have to exist in the world they got, not the world they want, in order to achieve the world they want.

I allow a certain amount of Mcguffen in a world in which cannibalistic zombies roam the earth eating human flesh.

She was basically conscripted into the role of Dr.

Uhhh... the sentiment of the wolf was right but they still should have killed the fucker.

Yet thick enough to stop a high powered bullet.

True, not to mention that bullets would go through that dead emaciated Zombie like tissue paper.

If it’s isolated to the gas on the water it would burn itself out, Walkers on fire on the other hand, big problem.

Indeed. It’s the “Walking Dead” for fuck sake, why not complain about all the gratuitous nudity in porn.

Perhaps people are perplexed that everyone’s favorite nihilistic gore horror show still disturbs people for being a nihilistic gore horror show.