Rayce Archer

You’re in Utah

The idea of having, or not having, an auto industry is an interesting one. In terms of designing, marketing, and innovating cars, America is neck and neck with any other country; possibly well ahead of most. In terms of manufacturing we’ve been steadily losing ground since the 70s. There are many complicated reasons

Yeah they just cut back their streaming subscriptions and stopped getting Starbucks every morning and before you know it they could afford private submarine excursions. That’s 100% how the economy works.

Y do U haev 2 maek political for car site?

This sub was a phenomenal act of retributive class justice. We need a hundred more just like it. We need a thriving export of canned millionaires to our comrades, the krill.

I came here from the weekly roundup list where this article was referred to as “police magnet cars” and I am disappointed that the subject isn’t as awesome as I imagined.

You know what? I think a responsible chuckle and genuine upset are BOTH valid reactions. The kids are all right.

Look what woke has done to mail trucks

The biggest problem the Chrysler family probably had was a reputation for horrible build quality and excessive prices. I’m not sure how merging with Fiat, a brand family with a reputation for horrible build quality and excessive prices, was supposed to fix that, but it clearly didn’t.

In the spirit of him being a greedy disappointment masquerading as a folksy hero, I nominate Bayou Billy as the official JD Vance game.

I often idly wonder whether there would be a market for a supercar with minimal bespoke parts, using the most readily available market replaceables that meet the requirements for the job. I guess that’s kind of the idea with Lotus?

That’s why I only drive pre-BMW AG-buyout Rolls Royces, the most antifascist cars. You don’t get more antifascist than flattening Dresden!

If we’re being brutally honest, Volkswagen is what did it for Porsche. That and fascism.

All the more damning to Musk that he can be described as “Howard Hughes, if he skipped straight to saving all his nail clippings and spending all day in bed on a diet of pure ice cream”

Every scientifically conducted evaluation suggests that immigrants - even those who are staying in the country without visas and without pursuing asylum - do not commit crimes (apart from visa violations) at a rate above or below the general population. And given the extent to which Caucasians are a majority in the

Howard Hughes was actually good at stuff, though.

Aw, go eat your neighbor’s goldfish

“Marxism is when you hate America, you want everyone to believe we’re a racist country but we’re not, Sleepy Joe - he’s her boss - he takes so many vacations and now we’re Venezuela and only I am brave and smart enough to make us Israel again”

I did all the death races in the Herrera. It handles like a dream, plus it’s clearly meant to be a Jag of some kind and if any carmaker would build cars for gentleman racers to shoot each other from, it would be Jaguar.

I don’t like giving Trump any serious review, on account of his being an awful trash person, but his description of how tariffs work is tooth-grinding. OF COURSE tariffs make goods more expensive to people in the purchasing country, because that’s what a Tariff does.