
China will not strike Japan with anything...well, they'll keep trying to take down their economy , step by step, that's about it, holding grudge myself for ww2 war crimes the Nazis have committed , i would never call for Germans total annihilation, never forget, but possible to forgive the next generations who aren't

"Uhm sir...I think we have a slight situation here...— No, yeah...we got someone— well it's hard to tell if that's him yet..."

I do hope this guy will get caught asap and this will all be over. however, i can't ignore the fact how cool it can be if hoon a bit in the city, somewhere remote and not downtown, also, i wonder if The Walking Dead director called and asked to shoot some scenes ;)

Oh now that's a bright idea, maybe we should go on a lil family trip and film a huge ass fire, some parents...

same here, 24/7 tinnitus, especially when it's all quiet / trying to sleep,
still sane at 23.
oh well, can't be around jet fighters and get out 100% "scratch" free :)

sure they do, many others as well.

I'm offensive and find this Russian.

well, I dodged 3 bikes tied up onto a small sedan, going at 65mph , suddenly 3 fall off,scariest moment on the road ever.

practice on that killer instinct skay, you can't re-run the road! ;)

Hand over that Vodka comrade.
To drive in Russia, one must be:
2.Poses enough Rubles.

I bet he was checking his facebook and or twitter on that big 'ol screen and the result is what we see above, do hope i'm wrong.

crafty toyobaru! they got me this time, just like VW did with its badge.

no back up cam? 10/10 wouldnotbang.

replace with Audi (A1) Badge that some bulkier and here's the CUB

i like it and i dont regret it one bit, im going to hell in every religion anyway !

That is true, I understand china is a VERY big market, but those problems aren't held inside their borders. The problem as said, is wide spread throughout Eu , it affects all VAG, Vw-SEAT-Skoda-Audi, there isn't a car that isn't affected at one point of its life, that said, the problem is mainly with DSG 7, DSG 6 is

I Get where your coming from ;)

yeah, i'm always game for whatever Audi is doing, keep it INSIDE the Lamp.

why the hate? Nice concept, looks radical and it should be, most of the average automakers copy off each other, I hope in 10-15 years we'll start seeing all the radical concepts on the production line.
