
I hope he has a windshield wiper though!

funny fact, the car is almost half Israeli in cooperation with the chinese , in terms of design and some tech, although manufactured in China, an even funnier fact, it won't be launched in Israel.

they downt have a grip on the entire disability section!

Why did the Alfa cross the road?

I'm Russian(ok, that's irrelevant) BUT clearly you're not filled in with our Filling In capacities.

Whenever I see his name come up, I wouldn't tie it to any other role he had, only this one.

Rice much.

4 exhausts?

stop it with the LED in the front trend,

hahahaha, thanks for that.

some people...How do they even breath unassisted?

+1 ,

kill this one and kill that one, quick, before ZE germans get here.

so... "re-bagged" Q7 , anybody?

"Get in bro!"

damn you, was scrolling down and hoping in vain no one would mention it :(

Most expensive shaving machine in history, well done, Toyota.

I require her name for further questioning ,perhaps she is the reason for wranglers spontaneously bursting into flames, like an intern.

so true.