And they give all asses in this household the royal treatment. 😃
It’s a competition then.
Haha. 😎
Due to the drought in California, I recently had all toilets in the house replaced with eco-friendly Toto 700H’s. It has no tank. The lid can be opened upright, but I can’t lean back on it. Bummer.
Just shake your dick like it’s flatlining after you’re done pissing.
Or you can just sit to piss.
Come on, what’s with all the hate on fedoras?
12 hour flight to Stockholm with my twin boys when they were babies. You can guess where this is going.
Never leave home without a hiking pole. Black Diamond makes pretty good hiking poles. Expensive, yeah, but light, durable, easy to carry, clean and use, and just awesome. Everyone in this household has one.
I wonder who will perform the repairs...
I don’t know why, but my sneezes are extremely wet. My hand goes from completely dry to completely drenched in saliva. I sneeze on my shoulder. My twin boys are the same too. People with dry sneezes are lucky bastards.
I need one of these. I’m getting tired of taking my cars to the car wash biweekly.
You’re right, absolutely right.
Alright, this is my favorite GIF now. It’s pretty relaxing to look at.
If you got dumped, got bad advice from a friend, and something went wrong with your ferry...