Cambodian brothels aren’t even safe anymore.
Cambodian brothels aren’t even safe anymore.
Would it surprise you to know that modern sloths come from different families of ground sloths? In other words, Bradypus and Choloepus are not each other’s closest relatives!
I plan on getting a solid 9 hours tonight.
I’m not sayin’ it’s aliens but....
The hipster community is currently attempting to book trips.
It should have been mentioned that with the lower gravity on Mars, such formations are actually more likely (and technically less precarious) than they would be on earth.
“The Finger of Idaho”
You’ve never picked apples, have you?
Bees and bumblebees are seeing massive declines all across Europe as well. And, it’s not just bumblebees either, lots of other insects are declining precipitously as well (save from those seemingly eradication-proof mosquitoes...)
it’s not imperceptible at first, conservationists have been waving the red flag about this for decades now, regardless we need to act now.
Apparently, they’re all in the rivers and lakes that are evaporating because Bees are Fish now.
There are several possible reasons:
Can we drop her in the middle of Death Valley?
That corkscrew leap was pretty sweet, even if it didn’t stick the landing. I’m still proud of you, little froggy!
Predators are too busy laughing to eat the tiny frogs, and eventually forget what they were doing and move on.
They totally nailed the jump, the landing not so much. Like the old skydiving quote, “it’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop.” hahaha
“Thus, Essner’s team thinks the animals use the ungainly leaps as a defense mechanism.”
“According to our analysis, these cave people were actually only 5% Denisovan and 95% pocket lint.”