
I’m a simple man. I see the word Dreamcast...I click

Gotta reel in that young uneducated cannon fodder somehow to do the imperialistic bidding of the oligarchs, plutocrats and the military-industrial complex.

This seems like kind of a genius stroke on the part of the army and navy. Their ranks thrive on christian nationalism, and christian nationalists will eat this controversy up. Yeah they’ll pay lip service to saying this stuff is bad, the streamers may be shuffled around so it looks like punishment, but it bolsters

GS makes about 20% profit on new games, and that isn’t enough for their stores to actually be profitable/do more than cover costs. If they cap at 45 dollars, they would either have to offer even less for trades or they end up facing profit margins on used that are equivalent or lower than the new games, which we

The arguments are not as simplistic as you are making it, but that’s because you are being willfully ignorant in order to maintain some weird libertarian strain of being righteously indignant.

Passive aggressive? Trolling? I see you throwing words around but you don’t actually have any idea what they mean do you?

I said what I said because he criticized and accused the author without actually backing up his words with a quote or anything. Facts are important here. You accuse someone of something then show

Many people have called out how big the PS5 is including Kotaku.  Also Luke is mainly an XBOX guy..On top of that though this was about the XSX because they have the shell of it in their offices. It has nothing to do with Sony. In fact they don’t even mention Sony. Your insecurity brought you to that conclusion.


you coulda just said “yeah I don’t know either” and left it at that

Traveling the world, experiencing other cultures, raping then and committing war crimes, the US military is your chance to get out there and be the difference between a child growing up poor and never growing up at all.

There is a decent argument to be made that not joining WW2 wouldn’t have effected anyone at home, no one was planning on taking America over. I would say that stopping industrual genocide was worth it but that also isn’t why we joined.

At times? Yo dude name one time in the last 2 generations that the US military isn’t the bad guys.

Travel to exotic lands, meet new people, and kill them...isnt that how the saying goes?

And not even then. Look at a map: there was never even the remotest shadow of a chance that Japan could hope to stage an actual invasion of the mainland United States. Zero. Even setting aside the obvious disparities in population, and ignoring how intensely resource-poor Japan was/is in terms of iron, fossil fuels,

Join the army! See the world, meet new people! Then murder them! woohoo!

Joining an organization dedicated to destroying countries and lives abroad, so you can backpack in Germany, is not a good thing. 

You mean the war where we imprisoned huge swaths of our own civilians in our own concentration camps and then genocided hundreds of thousands of Japanese people?

You can do that in any other country without being coerced into serving by debt. What you said is a commercial for turism, not the military. Travel the world! See other cultures! Yeah really upclose when you kill them or while raping them. Killing children is a way of getting to know them now? Fuck off with that

That’s not true, the results of us ruining Middle Eastern countries has reduced our freedoms and liberties at home.

amazing group of people

Not since WWII has the US military been involved in a direct conflict that made any difference to our personal freedom and liberties at home.