
I think a broader law also needs to be passed. Insisting that what happens between a person and their doctor is no one else’s business! The next thing the GOP will want is “Death Panels” for those on Medicaid. I’m sure they will bring this up eventually!

I worked at O’Hare Airport in Chicago at the United Airlines Hangar where they repair and inspect airplanes. I talked to numerous United union employees, most of them were in their mid to late sixties, basically because they had to. United filed for bankruptcy at one point and obliterated their pension and benefits. I

Did anyone notice in the picture that Trump’s chair looks to be 6 to 8 inches lower than the “other” dictators’ chair. Trump seems to be sitting on a child’s chair while Kim is on the adult chair with his legs barely touching the floor.

I was putting 15% of my paycheck into the 401k, I was claiming married (1). A couple guys I worked with were not putting any money into the 401k and were married and each had 2 kids. They were making 40 dollars more than me on the check, but I was putting 258 dollars into my 401k, they were astounded! The tax benefit

He’s so petty and vindictive.

Mmmmm Donuts!!!!!

Joe West would have called that a strike.

Since I don’t use the right wing facebook I’ll only read it in the main stream news!

Paul Samulson  said “Wall Street has predicted 9 out of the last 5 recessions” but if you look at the Fed Stats on recessions you’ll see the recessions start before it’s effects. It’s starting...

When you lose your job during a recession people tend to blame the president. It’s not rational (even though Trump takes all the credit) but people tend to make decisions on their mortgages and food bills.

Oh no, he owns this especially with the tariffs! Regardless of how people feel about tariffs, if you know anything about economics tariffs always hurt you and your adversary!

Now playing

It’s just another day. Getting older is better than the alternative.

The economy “may” go into recession later this year, which is bad for all of us, but it is due and Trump is doing everything he can to ruin it. If you think he’s nuts now wait until you see him when the economy starts tanking. It will be like Hitler in the bunker. (Quite a metaphor)

I’d rather have Bailey in the White House than the dog that sits on Trump’s head!

The most effective way to show this president in his truest light is to make and release the move “The Mueller Report”. Most people would watch, the script is written, the hard part would be casting the president. Christian Bale would be good. Adam McKay would be a perfect director/writer. Stormy Daniels has had

Something is amiss here. For the next few weeks he’s going to be traveling, to (is it still the U.K) then to Ireland then back to Japan for the G-7 summit.They usually hit the road when something is about to happen? Maybe they just don’t want to see Huckabee-Sanders eat at the Memorial Day Bar-B-Que? But I think it’s

Actually you can produce aluminum in the U.S. First you have to have some major mining companies ask the government to open access to a third world country, perhaps Haiti. then mine the raw material and ship it to a plant that refines it. The U.S. has more protection policies than any other nation in the world.

This judge doesn’t realize the kick back that will happen here. They will dig up people that will swear they saw him stoop a chicken! As a conservative judge I’m sure he doesn’t have anything misogynist, racist or sexual perversions that he indulged in!