
I’m not a fan of screens, but I’ve resigned myself to the idea that they’re here to stay, since so many people like them. I do think it would be nice if they could retract into the dash, or be hidden behind a panel when not in use, since they do tend to spoil the lines of the dash in certain cars more than others. 

This is true, or at least do push buttons or something. I get that they don’t want to give us bench seats anymore, because of how much storage and power ports and what not they put in the center console, but you could add even more storage in the console without the shifter in the way. Since most people only touch it

They started using the Nissan brand on selected car models, off and on, on the Japanese market during the 1960s. If not for the US market, they would have killed Datsun sooner than they did. In the ‘50s and ‘60s, it was seen as advantageous to have a different name on the cars to separate them from the parent company,

Probably because they designed it to build cheaply, without too many complex stampings. The lack of excessive creases and pointless flourishes is what you’re noticing. 

Im calling the police, they're too close together. 

Think of the children!

Time to copy/paste standard comment for every online article tangentially related to COVID-19:

American Motors was a pretty mainstream company in its heyday. Under George Romney, Rambler overtook Plymouth to become the #3 selling brand in the US in the early ‘60s, right behind Ford and Chevrolet (#3 is the position Chevy themselves hold today). Of course, that’s the most successful they ever got, but they were

Yeah, someone just customized the front end. We don’t see any proof there’s a front engine, that radiator could just be part of the fiberglass molding, painted black. The car was probably in an accident, someone fabbed up a new fiberglass nose, and did a really crummy red paint job to make it all match. All of which

The '00+ Northstars are better than the earlier ones, but I still wouldnt buy one

And an inflatable hemorrhoid cushion

The rare Fleetwood Limited (basically a slightly stretched DeVille) made an attempt 

Because people have no concept of budgeting and havent learned that a car should not be 100+% of their after tax annual income. And because they are deathly afraid of not projecting the right image (you can’t be seen driving a Corolla or Civic, if all your friends and co-workers have tricked out lifted pickups, you

Well, obviously. 80% of all businesses have been either forced to close down entirely or severely curtail their activities, ca. 3 million people are already out of work, and about 44 million more are likely to join them. We will have an unemployment rate 1/3 higher than the peak of the Great Depression by summer, is

Ah, the 1880s - if the beer didn't kill you, the green wallpaper would finish the job. 

So, like most video stores actually were for a period of time in 1997? Execpt without a few copies of The English Patient mixed in.

I worked part time for UPS in college - briefly loading trucks, and then as a driver helper during the Christmas rush, and I'm pretty sure I remember seeing signs like that posted around the offices. Maybe not on the door, but at least pinned to the wall next to it. Can't attest to everything else, but the no driver

Don't worry, all this shitshow will still be happening when you get back

Why would they decommission all their old trucks before the new ones were delivered?

Give them a box of parts and tell them it was wrecked. That's exactly what some farmers did when private tractor ownership was banned under Communism, then coat it in Cosmoline and bury it.