
Size would be key, both to carry enough fuel and enough paying passengers to make it viable, and because an overnight trip would require sleeping accommodations that day ferries don’t have.

Ive always wondered if there could be a business case for a high speed transatlantic ferry. I mean, you already lose a full day flying anyway, so if you could offer something with zero baggage restrictions, the ability to bring your car, continuous high speed internet and cell phone connections, and on board

Especially considering the great view of the factories they get from Chicago

Good, because I’m sure one human hand was totally killing the realism of a bunch of singing and dancing humanoid house cats.

Depends - is it an older vintage car that’s only going to be used on weekends, a truck that I’m using for yard work and Home Depot runs, or a camper that’s going to a couple music festivals a year? In those cases, mileage is pretty much irrelevant as opposed to general condition of the vehicle.

General Motors: Proudly Displaying Complete and Utter Contempt and Hatred Toward Our Own Customers Since 1970

As a millennial, I find that information reassuring. 

Started under Ford with the legalization of square and rectangular lights, after giving automakers that little taste of freedom, the rest became inevitable.

Jason Torchinsky is an Xer

At least they managed to hang on in Japan until 1993.

Id like an even older one, please and thank you

Now playing

Well, it still does happen from time to time.

Like when Mercedes claimed their tail fins were "stabilizers" , because following an American trend and putting something on the body purely for decoration was too vulgar.

Rich Chinese customers might like the big grille, everyone else doesn't care what the vehicle looks like, as long as it has a BMW badge on it.

I don’t need you trying to help me all the time, just go to Costco and finish the shopping yourself. I have to go home and walk around the cul de sac to clear my head. 

Because my Liam is a perfect angel who would never do such a thing. How dare you imply otherwise, I should sue you for defamation and emotional distress. 

Well , not to stereotype , but this is a Chinese 3 year old, not an American one, so some of that might be accurate 

Or a cheap machine made cigar unwrapped and rerolled with a different filler.

Meh, there's no money in that

There's always somebody. Lots of construction workers bitch about hard hat and high vis clothing rules, and lots of people still drive without seat belts (usually because their cousin's friend's coworker's neighbor was in a bad wreck and the EMT told him he would have been injured worse if he had worn a seat belt).