
I think the liability is on the tobacco company - there should be a warning on the package not to light in an enclosed space full of flammable vapor.

Boeing is well aware of that - the 737 Max

Maybe has to do with taxis operating principally within one city, vs private cars, which can have much more varied and erratic usage patterns. You can even restrict self driving taxis to specific routes (e.g. airport to city center) to start out, while its still sort of in the experimental phase.

I often see ridiculous prices advertised for unremarkable 70s and 80s cars - the ads stay up for 6 months to a year, then disappear. I always wonder if the cars ever actually sell for that, or if the owner gives up on selling at all, or eventually accepts like 50% or less.

Plus, if you pay inside, you can have a sandwich made, get a cup of coffee, buy cigarettes and lottery tickets, use the ATM, visit the restroom, and stand in line behind 20 other people doing the same thing while your empty car blocks a gas pump during rush hour. 

So Cadillac sells better than a bunch of other struggling brands that are either on life support or just recently moved out of ICU?  Except for Porsche, really, they've always been sort of lower volume as part of their business model.

They were one of the companies Marchionne unsuccessfully approached in the 2016-2017 timeframe.  

And, the way things are going, Fiat Chrysler Peugeot will be part of Volkswagen soon enough, anyway. 

Well, that’s a start, at least. I’ll get excited when they shrink the Clubman back down to a reasonable length and get rid of the back doors. 

Boomers don’t buy Cadillac though, that's how they got into trouble in the first place, when the WWII and Korean war vets started dying off. Cadillac is on its 3rd generation of irrelevance 

Man, between this and the Gladiator, Jeep is really trying hard to make me buy a light truck.

Compared to the original, it was a let down, but compared to a lot of what's come since, it's pretty good. Definitely had its moments - Venkman's interview with the lady who had a one night stand with an extraterrestrial at a Holiday Inn still makes me laugh every time I see it.

A wizard did it

Ancient 1880s era ICE technology vs modern 1890s era EV technology

Most ICE cars barely need a grille, they tend to get most of their air down low, under the bumper. While nobody's doing anything as egregious as the old Sebring Coupe, a lot of modern grilles are largely fake as it is.

They should just sell naming rights to them - Deutsche Post Corner, Banco Santander Corner, Emirates Airlines Corner, etc. 

I was hoping they would live to one day regret shutting down car assembly in Australia, but I don't think that day's ever coming, either.

This is like when everyone was getting all sad and nostalgic about Volkswagen killing the Beetle, and I got all confused, because I thought that already happened 16 years ago.

I would prefer still having one, too. A lot of bands I listen to still distribute primarily or exclusively on CD, so it would be nice to be able to listen to a new album right away, instead of having to go home and copy it to a thumb drive.

Thats what happened to the $9990 Versa several years ago. Yeah, Nissan would build them, if a dealer ordered one, but no dealer did. And that price was excluding destination charge and extra dealer fees anyway.