One of the reasons she and Root are made for each other.
One of the reasons she and Root are made for each other.
I've been watching this show on Amazon Prime, and it's misspelled there as well. I thought it was supposed to be "cerf." Ah well.
Sometimes I downvote when someone makes a grammatical error that is a pet peeve of mine (it/it's). It happens when I'm particularly irritable. I think of it as letting off steam on my part, so I don't end up leaving an annoying pedantic comment that no one cares about anyway.
WTF I can't be the only one who has trouble immediately remembering the episode just based on alphabet soup references.
It's funny how the upvote/downvote system ostensibly eliminates the posts that simply say "I agree with you," but so far today I've seen ten posts from people saying "I wasn't the one downvoting."
Answer: Shaw.
I've been there. Do whatever makes you feel good (with or without other people — though if you want to make friends perhaps try something like Don't worry about "accomplishments" — they are meaningless points of comparison. Define success in your own terms. And… need I say this? You're only 22!! You're a…
Who the hell downvoted this?!
5) Someone like me wonders why we have to go through this routine every. single. time. some famous person dies.
OK thanks, Perd Hapley.
OK thanks, Perd Hapley.
red vines!
Every time I see this guy's name I think it's Garret Dillahunt and then I'm disappointed that it's not.
Downvoted for not downvoting?? What has this world come to…
Posting here to see if anyone else has this problem: I just noticed that my TV Club RSS feed stopped working. I can't tell if it's because of the new TV Review site but I'm not getting updates on new articles through the feed anymore. I guess I'll try subscribing again, but it's annoying that I missed so many reviews…
Do people just know what phone phreaking is?! I had to Google that just now…
I know. I seriously don't envy the people who quit watching because of Carter's death (they are everywhere on Tumblr), though I guess I can understand the emotional basis of that decision.
Drunk post???