
So...everybody will just blame guns in the comments, without knowing anything about what happened or if there was a history between the two. It could be a random crime, it also very well couldn’t be. Maybe the person that killed him was just a haggard piece of shit, and would have killed him with a knife or other

The obscene level of murders in democrat machine controlled Chicago is major news no matter what part of the city they are happening in.

I’m pro gun-control. But attempting to use the “gun-protection” fallacy as a point of emphasis in regards to the Chicago situation is ridiculous.

Wow, I tried making a relevant comment and it was moderated away, along with several other greys I remember reading. Funny, the thoughtless anti-gun sentiments are okay, but the gang-related and personal responsibility-related sentiments aren’t? Nice bias.

Guns aren’t going anywhere. Nor are shitty people who mindlessly take life.

what’s going on, Draper? stuck with the night shift now?

I have dealt with hundreds, thousands actually, drunken altercations over the years. (Never been sued!) The worst ones are always the same M.O. They are doing an extremely dangerous/violent thing and there is no reasoning with them. Then when they are stopped/arrested they suddenly are an innocent victim.

Honestly, what CSC employees have done is downright terrible. But in almost most of those cases, it sounds like the victims invited (not incited) danger. Jumping onto the field is illegal (even if everyone is doing it). Being hammered at a game is illegal, and the main reason I don’t even like live sporting events. As

Having worked this gig long ago, and considering the size of their operations, having only 21 suits filed in 25 years seems rather low. Working security for events featuring thousands of drunken idiots is an impossible task. Then when something happens, 100% of the time the aggrieved party “wasn’t doing anything.” I

Not being from NJ, but now currently living in NJ has raised my opinion from simply not being a fan of his music to absolutely fucking hating the sounds of his average power chords and terrible voice

Nullify that bitch.

My last months in the military, I was stationed at a base near my family's home, so I'd go home every weekend. How far away was it? About 4 cheap beers.

I drink very infrequently and would still very much like to have the freedom to get boozed up on long road trips where I’m not driving. As it is now, I have to settle for smoking a fat joint before heading off. There’s no logic to the law - if someone is already going to drink while driving, making a law against

I live in Newport Beach CA and we have small groups of ‘weekend’ bikers drive like dicks in groups and cause issues just to cause issues. The biker banged on his window pretty hard so it seems like he wanted to start something with them.

good luck getting rid of illegally purchased guns you dumbfuck.

Tell me again how disarming the law abiding will make criminals follow more gun laws?

Was it because of a perceived traffic violation, or was it because a bunch of angry bikers were surrounding their vehicle and they remembered the last time it happened?

Gun nuts =/= nuts with guns. Just like bikes. And cars.

I hate to say this, but this may have been legally justifiable. A jury might even sympathize with someone saying they felt threatened by a bike circling their vehicle.

Sounds like she’s living an awesome life and you should chill