Randall Ward

*yawning intensifies *

Gonna call bullshit on #3 if you are expected to bring a specific food item. Drop that shit off the night before or show your ass up on time. The last thing you need is a park full of pissed off people because you decided to show up late with the scrimps.....

I’m in the camp of “Pilot holes are never ever a bad thing”

Looks like I’ll be on the motorcycle this weekend in Austin.......parking is gonna blow downtown more then it usually does

I can’t wait to really push the limits of my Coupe with tasteful engine tuning. I love that damn car so much.

Wrenching on my car terrifies me outside of an oil change, but on my motorcycle I love it for some reason it’s so much fun.

Is this a different story waiting to happen?

But he still has to show up to the games and sit the bench. While he didn’t “play” he was in attendance, the statement should be amended to reflect that however.

Not possible, Rose would have injured himself doing that much physical activity.

Bloodlines....a good game that could have been a great game.....

Nope fuk em, they made the challenge and then accepted the terms. Don’t come asking me for money because the fight is not in your favor and you need to do a complete re-fitment.

René Higuita would be proud

Cep Planetside was terrible(idea was awesome), it came to life when the Internet was still slow as shit. Sure it worked out well in colleges and places where high speed internet was available. But for the average home user it was a frustrating mess of lag.

This is the absolute truth. I’ve always been told that the difference between a $100 and a %1000 is wind noise. Well at least until the AR-1 Skully comes out......

Cut the shit, as someone from Chicago I have to say that Eagle Man is the greatest.

No doubt but he’s becoming the fall back it seems.

Oh yay just another step to “why not cast Nolan for every single VO in gaming”....

PS+ has gone downhill since PSNow has come around.

Roger Goodell has carefully mulled this over, because he wants to make it right.

Suggestion about that (UI config would be awesome thanks for that!) but perhaps the audio clip would be better served as a kill register or critical hit register? I’ll admit I haven’t loaded the demo up yet so I haven’t seen/heard all of what’s available yet.