Angelo Barovier

I shall put you down in the 'Not A Nazi' column. For now.

Honest question: Relevance?

Frank Castle wants a word with those people.

If that's the majority opinion (an assessment I find rather dubious) then I'm happily in the minority. Sometimes arrogance trumps intelligence. In fact, they often go hand in hand.

I've met a lot of drug dealers in my time (infer from that what you will, I ain't got time to bleed, er, explain) and I think you're painting with really, really broad strokes while at the same time making an appeal for reality.

Still cool!

*raises glass*

The acquisition of power and influence through the orchestration of monopolized gentrification — power and influence which he totally intends to wield for the good of all to prove he is a better man than his stinkin' father because Wilson Fisk IS NOT A MONSTER!

That's the problem with subtlety in a show like this. Little beats (like Wesley's arrogance peaking through) get missed and some viewers feel there was some about-face that happened. Even with this potential viewers missing character insights, I wouldn't change a thing about the series.

His first DD run holds up rather well, I think. Flawless? No. Still a great read? Yes.

If we don't get to see more of Melvin in the Netflix MCU, I will honestly be quite disappointed. I wanted to hug that Melvin and every creative responsible for his portrayal in this adaptation. It was perfect.

"…in 50 movies and 200 episodes of television…"

Matt would smell the gunpowder, feel the weight, and detect the lie. He would never pull that trigger as a result of trickery. The soul-stain would still be there if he did.

1. Circumstance is critical to psychological response.
2. Having done it before doesn't mean the second time is any less unsettling to non-sociopaths.

I really wouldn't define that cop as dumb. The Joker just pushed the right buttons. I'm reasonably sure there are rather intelligent people out there who would have responded in a similar fashion under the same circumstances.

I try to avoid that sort of thing though I'm certainly not perfect at it. Sometimes an asshole is an asshole. You're not one of them, AFAIK. Disagreement is not by itself cause enough to deride someone.

Sorry it came across that way. "Chum" was more meant in the way most people use smiley faces, which I usually avoid.

True. You work with what you have.

Fair enough. We all see what we want to see and I can't tell anyone otherwise. What's written above — and I thank you for the praise — is the long and short of my argument. If it is not sufficiently compelling then no harm no foul on either side.
