Angelo Barovier

"…but his arrogance never put him in danger before."

What you meant to imply and what can be inferred are two different things, chum. Just telling you how I feel the comments read, lacking explanatory context.

Sure and I agree with Aristotle. He's an epic rapper, after all.

I'm fairly certain Wesley's flaw was his self-assuredness. He felt he had Karen transfixed by fear. She was nothing to him, just another pliable, moronic muggle almost beneath his contempt.

That was kind of the point. Just wait until Turk gets his hands on (legs in?) the suit.

While that POV is realistic for you, space robot's POV is equally as realistic. You folks differ on how you would approach the situation in Foggy and Karen's shoes.

What I'm refuting isn't the existence of sexual tension. It is the implication suggested in the article that sexual tension is certain because of factors which are, in my experience, not automatically indicative of sexual tension.

Sure. I mean, I'm even hesitant to attribute one to the other but I can see how the misconception (or interpretation, as it were) is more plausible.

And the victimization angle is entirely overstated if one has to balloon out into meta-textualization in order to form a remotely valid critique.

Or a really crazy night at Comic-Con.

Comfort, cadence, and proper enunciation are not requirements of casual fluency. True fluency, sure, but in everyday life, there are those who are considered 'fluent' in languages, including English, who miss certain nuance, enunciation, or natural cadence nonetheless.

Mrs. Urich in a hospital bed really counts as zero towards any pattern of female victimization. Furthermore, Matt, Stick, Nobu, Det. Asshole, Det. Slightly Less Asshole, Vladimir and his bro', and SPOILER and SPOILER…

If she were male, she'd be called brave (to a fault) or impassioned and the attacks on her would be seen as conflict not victimization. I feel like The Mary Sue has less of an issue with the consequences of her actions than what's written above.

I'm going to go with: a good reviewer would find a way to sate all beasts. Write the review, review the review, and pick out the spoilers.

I found Owlsley grating at first, almost cartoonish. Then I realized he just reminded me of the bitter old men who used to be costumers of mine when I was schlepping plates in a diner.

Oh, well, now I feel silly for asking why someone would see this in the typical Two Drunk Guys Post-Bar bromancefest. I suppose that's a pretty fair reason.

Yeah, I'm not really sure what that's about. Two drunk guys talking about how much they admire each other and are going to be besties forever and take over the world can be seen every Friday night downtown after the bars close in just about every NA city (except maybe ones in Utah).

*cue Leonard Cohen*

I dunno if it would've sold it more but I sure would've enjoyed it. Those three could do the Superhero Cafe for hours and I'd be just fine with it.

He was doing an ode to Dusty from Twister. Back off, man! Or goro. Look, just back off!