Angelo Barovier

"There’s a surprising amount of sexual tension between Foggy and Matt in the flashbacks … there’s an undeniable attraction between the two of them, and it almost feels like the scene is building up to a kiss as they sit on some stairs and talk about their future together."

Karen decidedly takes matters into her own hands when she is seated across the table from a baddie, and ensures she needn't be rescued by anyone other than herself. It is a shocking moment for both longtime DD readers and viewers new to the mythos.

Delphine has access. Rachel had to have been on a recorded conference or something appropriately mundanely corporate. They start in her apartment. Sarah takes care of the accent mimicry. Easy peasy, don't get queasy.

Game Of Thrones and The Walking Dead are too optimistic and colorful for WB.

Oh, you're not alone.

Ah, true. Not sure that counts as watching an origin story if he's absent in it but I see where you're headed with it.

True. My bad. I always forget about those.

Not sure because [spoilers] got the shaft.

Shut your filthy mouth that is giving me an iota of false hope.

Do note that the flipping back and forth serves as allegory for what is happening in Matt's life. A metaphorical cut here is a literal cut there.

The minuses are made up!

I feel like a lot of people miss that this is the origin story of Daredevil and Kingpin (and Gladiator, I hope!). I can forgive this lack of awareness because much of Marvel's fare shows a villain in full flourish before the hero comes along.

CBS was just waiting for the right time. Because … reasons.

And mooks knocked unconscious into large bodies of water. Because that usually goes so well for the mooks.

"…yet would've given us a simple, totally believable twist on the damsel in distress thing."

Uh, no. He is far more civilized than Ford, even with the use of an SUV as a surgical tool.

Um, "The real mystery of this episode is why does Wilson Fisk own a whole drawer of cufflinks if he only wears one pair?" The review complains about narrative bluntness but has a hard time grasping a barely subtle insight into Fisk's character?

Indeed. There were many shades of Bruce in Pulp Fiction. Mind you, DD's adjusted backstory predated that script and both probably drew from the same pulpy good 50s fiction for it.

That exact opening has done something they set out to do: Hook people who don't normally like superhero stuff. The die hards are going to sit through it anyway. Pulling in new fans is what's gotten them this far. Get out there online or do the watercooler thing. You may be surprised how effective that scene was to a

I hope you stuck through to at least Ep. 10 "Nelson v. Murdock".