Angelo Barovier

The answer is in the question.

For attracting male SF/war movie lovers. Yep, All You Need Is Kill seems better, IMO.

I quite liked Jack Reacher. Was I not supposed to like it? Sheesh, you miss one memo…

You damn dirty apes!

Your personal life is no interest to me. So suck on that you … you fluffing rage!

Look into the stories of people on death's door from a long illness or just age. You'll find ample stories of their last days and hours being strangely lucid and spry. And then, when the clock runs out, it is swift and often (hopefully) painless.

"She says goodbye to him “for now,” so we can hope to learn more in their past, in the show’s future."

Um, owning up to (and providing a correction for) your mistake? What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you know you're on the internet?

I never thought of it that way. Now that you mention it, it kind of gels with his wastebin diving for booze scene where he tells Peggy (for her own good) that the world will never take her seriously no matter how much good she does.

Cerulean blue. The sky, it's cerulean blue. So pretty, so calm, so peaceful. Makes me think of a gentle breeze.

It's been a looong time since I read through all of The Watchmen. Sounds very Mooreish, though.

"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…"

Yup. Originally, I was in it to watch the pretty people with great personal grooming abilities live out a Lord of the Flies fantasy in the woods. And, if I'm being honest, shark the hell out of it online.

Ah, looks like the show has done its job. You feel betrayed, angry, confused, embittered — you're basically Clarke, here. Now, that's a show which has pulled you in! It's a good thing for two reasons:

Oh, ye of little faith.


"It's not like browns and blacks aren't a reasonable choice for a government agency."

When did they sue fan film makers before? This is news to me.

Why would anyone nuke my city? It's Canadian! Everybody loves us. We're basically, like, the centre of the universe.

"Haha! remember when he stabbed that couple in the front row to death with a spork? So funny! You know, because it was a spork!"