For Sweden

I will refer to this article the next time this website publishes a take that modern cars are too complicated/heavy/electronic/etc.

Uber is going to be the company that kills freelance journalism, and that’s going to make an odd chapter in history books.

Jeff you could buy a project Cadillac and use it to launch a Youtube channel.

When your mid-life crisis can’t wait until after the pandemic

BMW iDrive designers are sweating now

Me after 14 days in a van

This take is Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Johnson Erasure

Also, food is good and we should grow more.

Can you get cell service on the Bullet Farm?

Kick-ass electric trucks with plentiful charging stations?  The future dystopia is going to be better than I expected.

Sounds suspiciously like an Austrian plot to steal our onions.

Stephen Harper would have sunk the American invaders by now.

Asking the Austrian guy to actively contemplate his White identity seems like a bad idea tbh

Orange Man Bad

What are you a cop? It’s the open ocean I’ll boat where I want to boat.

Copenhagen and southern Scandinavia is not Chicago lol

This is station wagon erasure


If the police union is a threat to the public, and the Mayor does not but the union, the Mayor is complicit.