Rainbow TOS

Have these people even WATCHED Star Trek before? Why bother calling it Star Trek at this point? This is the Shadow the Hedgehog of Star Trek series cause it is so dark and edgy...with guns!

Seth MacFarlane is a racist, misogynistic asshole

Now playing

Or on the other hand, you could watch a Star Trek made by people who don’t think Star Trek should be grimdark drama angst:

Writing this article only makes it worse.

Better ban that episode of Space 1999 in case it encourages Nazis to be more like Brian Blessed - which would be wrong on so many levels.

Yeah GoG’s DRM free approach is why its my preferred store. 

Oh I think GOG deserves a TON of praise at all times. They work tirelessly to restore good old games to work on modern PCs. The lengths they go to to make this happen is often staggering. It’s a group of people that are staunchly committed to preserving and celebrating game culture. They deserve all those nice things

I think it’s time to face facts.

I watched this same footage last night on the NASA YouTube, and it’s even cooler the second time around. My only gripe is that there wasn’t a flat-earther strapped to the top.

Bobby later sent the young chimps into Iraq to murder thousands of other chimps so he could profit handsomely.

“You Can Trust Mark Zuckerberg, or You Can Trust [The Newspaper That Helped Push for the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan]”

I’m calling bullshit. They aren’t using the extra space they gain in any meaningful capacity; decreased thickness at this point is of even more dubious value than the jack, phones with IP67/68 already exist with the jack, and battery capacity doesn’t seem to have any correlation with the jack either. As a point of

Pretty much been every phone manufacturer’s plan for years. I mean, can’t you hear the voices calling out:

“We want 3 cameras on the back...no wait, 5"
“We want the phone to be impossible to fix, seal it up.”
“Get rid of that headphone jack.”
“My 2.7mm thick phone needs to slim down another 0.2mm”
“More screen! Even if it

Meh, they are half-assing this. I’ll wait for quad-notch.

The being exists. Kristen Stewart. Instead of multiple useful personalities she has no personality

I know how this ends

He destroyed a whole sector of the investment market that was actively running a counter PR campaign to tank his company for their benefit. There is a reason he is still in charge beyond the fact he fronts all his business with a lot of his own personal money.

Just need to put Elon’s face on this gif.

Being tricked into thinking your house is under attack by the Gods, doesn’t exactly make one a domestic abuser either.

Making Hercules a villain is kind of dumb.