Rainbow TOS

Considering that Korolev designed and flew the first iteration of this rocket in 1957, and its still flying today with few modifications, that should impress the hell out of everyone. Especially since it had its first failure in 30+ years and all crew members survived.

Counterpoint. We have an astronaut and a cosmonaut who are alive and well. I witnessed the Challenger accident in person in ‘86 and it’s good to know that there are safety systems in place to handle these sort of things. If they had died, the situation would be a lot worse and any delays until the next launch would

She really brings the 10th vibes for me. And I loved Tennant.

I’m just glad that Moffatt is gone and we can hopefully have fun adventures again. Moffatt’s era spent so much time repeatedly on dramatic build-up with a disappointing reveal. A Town Called Christmas -- I am especially looking at you.

I agree completely, Peter Capaldi was not the greatest in my opinion, and David Tennant, Matt Smith had this sort of charm, now Jodi has that sort of something that makes the Doctor, who the Doctor is, very excited to see what happens next

The episode was okay, introducing a mildly interesting, nasty new alien villain. The main selling point was definitely introducing Jodie Whittaker as the doctor and in that respect it was a smashing success, she already fully embodies the doctor’s manic aggression but also deep kindness. 

Jodie was so amazing. I was optimistic before, but damn.

There are 751 members of the European Parliament that all might have their own ideas for what needs to be done.

Just don’t suck. That’s all I ask. Don’t care if the Doctors female, male, white, black, brown, American, transgendered, etc. Just. Don’t. Suck. 

The concept of the uncanny valley suggests humanoid objects which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit uncanny, or strangely familiar, feelings of eeriness and revulsion in observers.

It really doesn’t matter what they do, it will never not be creepy.

He has a cult of hate that rivals his cult of fanboys. Just so happens most of the Giz staff hosts the “I Hate Musk” meetings every second Tuesday of the month.

“This is the behavior of a child.”

Adults know that in case of an emergency like this a person that has seemingly no expertise in the fields needed for a proper rescue mission - a person like Dottore Musk here - is to sit back and let the professionals do the job. Using resources to check if that hamfisted idea of yours might eventually work (it would

1) Elon probably saw this as a chance to challenge his team for an emergency situation response. Something that there will be plenty of need for during long Martian trips, Martian colonization, and lunar operations. He has learned a valuable lesson: he doesn’t have NASA level response times to emergency situations. Tha

Not to be lost in all of this.

This “pedo” comment is the line. The whole SpaceX-canister-repurposed into-a-rescue-vessel seemed at first like he genuinely wanted to help, but quickly turned to PR stunt with him personally delivering it to Thailand. Then to accuse a rescue diver, who actually contributed to the rescue, of a heinous crime with no

Well, the submarine is essentially a long tube. Sometimes a submarine is just a submarine, other times....

Adam, you just lost all respect I had for you. We should not be shaming people that try to help, whether the help was needed or not. He has been very clear about his intentions to try to help if needed and if not, then great. He has also tweeted that the rescue was all the Thai government and he was not needed, but he