Rainbow TOS

You’re assuming a unified russian intelligence state capable of a ‘tailor made’ assassination exists. It doesn’t. It’s dweebs jockeying for power and favor under Putin and Putin using that to create the illusion of an omnipresent and omnipotent Russian intelligence state, like when Surkov funneled money to groups in

I loved everything about that concept and video. Maybe not the ballmer part, but everything else. I used to turn my windows 7 to look like the windows 95 OS. All the usability of Windows 7 with the classic skin.

As I understand it, he did have the rights. Then he cut a deal with Branco where Branco would get the rights in exchange for funding the movie. Branco didn’t fund anything, and they’ve been fighting ever since about whether Branco gets to take the rights regardless of doing nothing to earn them. For some asinine

This is just amazing. I don’t understand how a “producer” who paid nothing holds the rights to anything. Amazing how a French court would favor the Frenchman over the Englishman...

I wonder if this was the French judge...

The whole case seems so ridiculous to me. Branco had the rights if he obtained funding. He didn’t obtain funding, why does he still have rights?

I actually love TMP. It’s the closest Trek ever got to Golden Age literary sci-fi, IMO. It almost feels like Arthur C. Clarke could have written the script. I also, like you, feel it’s closer in tone to TOS than the 5 (and a half) TOS cast films that followed it.

I know y’all are gonna shove this down our throats, but this reboot looks awful, and the voices/drawing are just all sorts of horrendous.

Hi Zuck

~sigh~ FINE!

Jeopardy Contestant: Alex, I’ll take Corporate Douchebags for $600 please?

Does it need that glowing skull thing? Why have that? How can there be such amazing advances in the technology matched with an equal devolution of aesthetics?

Totally not proving my point about elements of the New Left by immediately calling me a Nazi simply because I didn’t want to deal with deliberate misconstruing of my comment...

See, now you’re just being obtuse. You know that the reason CA was breaking the rules is because they were getting people’s friends data in addition to those who had agreed to use the quiz app thing. And you also know that Facebook was well aware that CA was doing so, but just turned a blind eye, for whatever reason.

I don’t know about that, but I can see him being upset with where they took the character. Luke falling into a murderous rage against his nephew, even momentarily? Luke totally giving up on the Force, the Jedi, the Galaxy, and all of his friends & family? That’s not the Luke we saw leading up to here. Luke outsmarting

I am pretty sure Mark did not want Luke to be a perfect badass but he definitely did not want Luke to be the depressed hermit they made him in TLj who does next to nothing over the entire film and refuses to save his friends who in Empire was willing to sacrifice his Jedi training to save them, honestly I am more

Now playing

If there is anyone I feel bad for among all the debating and fury around Luke in The Last Jedi, it’s Mark. He trying to be very diplomatic now, but you can tell the changes to Luke just absolutely broke his heart (especially since he knew what George wanted to do with the character).

Ah so you’re going the sarcastic asshole, holier-than-thou, route on this one? Weak as fuck.

Dude I can’t believe you’re actually trying to defend labeling this dude a psychopath.

Yup, you’d have her crying on the bench saying how much she didn’t mean to kill him and how much she loved him. And then you have the fact that he wanted her to do what she did. He was all for it. I don’t think I could convict someone for more than this if I was on a jury.