
Yeah, thanks for taking it as what it is: someone knowingly or unknowingly bending his/her life out of shape for entertainment and taking risks in the meantime. While the internet can reduce this to “well he was a sedentary smoker who knew the risks and died as a result,” he was also a man who died for his own and

I would’ve agreed with you if there were anything in the article or headline that also referred to the past as wasteful.

Yeah kotaku really doesn’t like Nintendo. When I see the switch more as a handheld than a home console, it justifies everything. The price, the power, the design.

Good, a brother in arms! Come, let us invite these knaves to the back of the McDonald’s parking lot, where such honour is traditionally upheld.

As several have already pointed out, Vita game cases are about as wasteful, give or take a centimeter of height. But hey, any excuse to shit on Nintendo, right?

As long as it doesn’t end with every one in the cast inside a church, then they’ll be alright.

There are so many questions people have about the Switch still, but when you look at the blunder that was the Wii U, you can see the reason why. They don’t want to make the messaging any more confusing than it needs to be. With over 2 million preorder sales just in time for the end of their fiscal year, they have no

Re: spending $60 at launch, it’s Ubisoft this game will be like 40-50% within 3 months

While it may not seem “right” for an EVO to happen without Marvel, I was really hoping that the ninth game would have been something different.

Warren Ellis wrote this, I have faith in his brand of satire. If you have never given the guy a try, I recommend Transmetropolitan. Or if you need a show check out his work on GI Joe: Resolute

I don’t know if this is right. For me it should be only compared to all previous Nintendo hardware releases. We all know the Big N don’t give a damn bout any widely accepted protocols.

So it never occurred to anyone to ask the White House staff how to turn on the lights?

Coming at it from an academic standpoint, scholarship of videogames really needs people OTHER THAN SCHOLARS AND ACADEMICS to come up with terminology like this, either for mechanics or otherwise, so we can all stop relying on decade old vocabulary developed by game theorists who haven’t played a videogame in their

Same. I actually liked the term.

His commentary made sense to me... o.o

something something he’s a game developer something something shut the fuck up asshole something something this is relevant

Counterpoint: Hitman

Interesting, I didn’t know I could disagree so thoroughly with a single person! I’ve played every main Final Fantasy from 1 through 15 (excepting 13, could not make myself like it) and this is without a doubt my second favorite. I view it as a towering achievement and a game that confidently rises above its flaws (and